Chapter 13

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Taehyung's POV

I found myself smiling as I recalled what happened yesterday at Haeundae beach. That was probably one of the best trip I have had so far. I took my phone out and unlocked it and pressed gallery. I admired every single picture that showed as I swipe through the screen.

"Taehyung-ah, are you listening ?" I locked my phone promptly and returned it back in my pocket.

"Oh nae. Mianhae" I replied and payed my attention to Namjoon who was discussing about our fansign next week. We were suppose to be in a break but our manager suggested that we did a little Fansign since a lot of A.R.M.Y.'s requested for it And ofcourse if it means it'll make the A.R.M.Y's happy, we'd be down for it.

"Since our song isnt ready yet, I suggest we perform one of our old songs" Jin Hyung suggested. We all agreed and began thinking about what song to perform.

"Hyung, what about 'I like it'. Its really a perfect song if we're just doing a small performance for the fans right?" Jimin blurted out. Jungkook gave him a Highfive as a sign of agreement and exchanged compliments to eachother.

"Sounds pretty good to me" Namjoon Hyung said nodding. Its decided then, we'll be performing 'I like it' a song we wrote a few years back.

"So, its settled. Whose hungry?" Jin craved and we all raised our hands up. When it comes to food, everyone agrees.

We all stood up and headed downstairs as we were in Namjoon's room. They all went straight to the kitchen while Jungkook and I decided to wait for the food in the living room. I stopped as soon as I saw the familiar figure sitting on the couch.

She's back..but with the same guy that she was with at the ramyeon shop.

The random man had a guitar with him while George listened to him play. She seemed to enjoy herself at this moment. The joy was really evident in her eyes. She laughed nonstop as she conversed with the guy and the guy did exactly the same. They seem to be having a great time so I was hesitant and wasnt sure if I should interrupt them.

"Whats wrong ?" Jungkook questioned as he noticed that I had stopped walking. I shook my head and motioned him to go to the kitchen. He looked at the living room and saw George and the guy. He finally understood and nodded. We both headed to the kitchen and the food was already served by Mrs.Roque.

"Gina! Dinners ready" Mrs.Roque yelled and I turned to see both the guy and George looked to our direction. I could tell the guys were surprised too as the two of them headed to us.
I looked away as soon I met George's eye. Looking at her suddenly made me feel anxious.

"Uh guys, this is Jackson. My friend" George introduced giving us a shy smile. Jackson said hi smiling at everyone of us. The boys all said Hi except for me. I didnt know why I felt bitter towards him, all I know is I already dont like him. I gave him a cold smile and looked away as fast as possible.

"Come and Join us for dinner, Jackson" Mrs.Roque invited.

"Thank You for the offer aunt ane, but I must be going, my parents are waiting for me at home" he replied bowing to Mrs.Roque.

'Good, we didnt want you here anways. There isnt any seat for you' I thought to myself as I stared at him expressionless.

"Alright then, feel free to come back anytime okay ?"

"Sure will do" he said before waving goodbye. George went with him and brought him to the front gate.

At this moment, I didnt even feel hungry anymore. I just wanted to lay down in bed and close my eyes. My weird actions started to make me question myself. I also didnt know why I felt so resentful towards Jackson. Im not usually like this. Theres just something about him that makes me despise him. I just couldnt point it out no matter how hard I try to think about it. Then the scene that I witnessed a few minutes ago started flashing back.

The way George's eye sparkled as she looked at Jackson. The way her eyes smiles as she watched Jackson play the guitar. You could tell that she was so into him. Her laugh felt as if she was really having the time of her life. She felt so comfortable around him. She was so..different.

Could she possibly be inlove with Jackson?

I shook my head as I realized that George has returned and was seated a few seats away from me. There was a look of ecstasy on her face while her cheeks were as red as a rose. Disappointment started to build up on me as I admire her smile. I couldnt understand why I started to feel this way when I saw her with Jackson. I have never felt this way before which is why I was oblivious. I didnt know what this feeling meant. But all I know is I dont like feeling this way. I dont wanna feel this way. I just wonder why my heart starts to ache whenever I see George smiling.


George's POV

Since Jackson needed to leave, I insisted to lead him out of the gate as a sign of respect to a visitor. I walked with him until we reached the gate and stopped as he turned to look at me.

"Thank You for today, George." Jackson smiled

"I should be the one thanking you, if it werent for your help, I wouldnt be able to do this activity" I replied as I flashed him a sincere smile.

"You were right about your mom. She does resembles you a lot" he remarked and let out a chuckle.

"Whats that suppose to mean ?" I asked raising a brow. He merely smiled at me and stared into my eyes. My heart started to beat rapidly as he started leaning in. A lot of things started to run through my mind. Right then, he abruptly pinched my nose and laughed at me. I slapped his hands away and rolled my eyes With my heart still beating awfully fast.

"You didnt think i'd kiss you right?" He asked smirking.

"You wish" I retorted and crossed my arms.

"What I meant was, Your mom's beautiful" he stated and stared deeply into my eyes. Again. I couldnt help but blush as I looked away from him. I didnt like it whenever Jackson was acting this way. It just makes me..I dont know. I feel uncomfortable in the most comfortable way. Whenever Jackson does this, it makes my heart go crazy.

"Y-you should go" I said still trying to avoid his gaze.

"I think I should. See you tomorrow George. Oh and uh.." he said and took something out of his bag. It was my wallet that I left on friday.

"Oh right. I almost forgot about this" I said and let out a chuckle while taking my wallet from him. I mouthed him thanks and looked back down.

"Bye" he said and what he did surprised me. He leaned in and kissed my cheeks before walking away. He didnt bother looking back as he left. I stood there frozen as I touched my cheeks. A smile started to form my lips as I began to close the gate as soon as he disappeared from my sight.

My heart, its beating too fast. I dont understand this feeling..What am I feeling?

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