Chapter 27 - legal

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Its been exactly a month since Jackson asked me to be his girlfriend. Trust me. inside that one month, he's been nothing but sweet and a complete gentleman to me. It almost feels like im falling inlove with him all over again, everyday. I can never get use to him being sweet to me. I always end up looking like a tomato whenever he kisses me or holds my hand in public. Well, ofcourse there were still a lot of people against us.

I mean like, A LOT.

You all know whose the biggest hater of our relationship.

His sister, Lisa. Ofcourse.

But what can she do ? Her brother loves me and I love him. So sorry sister-in-law. Seeing Lisa annoyed with me, brings satisfaction in my eyes. She hates me?

Oh honey, the feeling is mutual.

"Hey, you okay love ?" Jackson asked and held my hand.

"Ofcourse, never been better" I replied and kissed his cheeks. He gave me a warm smile and we both started heading out the school gate.

Today was the day im gonna tell my parents about our 'relationship'. He's been bringing me home for the past few weeks and I guess my mom had an idea of us dating. Which, didnt seem like a problem to her at all. Infact, she loves Jackson.

All of them did. Except for Taehyung and Suga hyung, who doesnt seem to be pleased with his presence. We all know Suga doesnt really like people so thats okay with me. But Taehyung ? I dont really know what his real problem was.

I couldnt care less though.
"You think your father will like me?" Jackson asked for the 10th time today.

Hm. Father. Doesnt sound pretty comfortable to me

He's been really nervous about meeting Eun Gi. He hasn't got the chance to meet him before due to his busyness from work. Today though, he had a day off. So I took the perfect opportunity to finally legalize our relationship.

"Love, Dont be nervous okay ? Im sure he'll like you. Just be yourself. My mom liked you the first time you guys met" I smiled at him reassuringly as we arrived the front gate of our house.

"And so did you" he winked and I blushed. We both chuckled and I held his hand for comfort since I knew he was very nervous about meeting Eun Gi.

I pressed the doorbell and I was greeted by Taehyung, who had an unamused look on his face. Im assuming because Jackson was here. I can tell for the way he eyed Jackson from head to toe. What a douchebag.

"Is Eun Gi and Mom home ?" I asked with no expression at all.

"Yeah, they're in the kitchen preparing for dinner" he replied bluntly as well, still looking at Jackson.

Seriously, what's wrong with him ?

He finally invited us in and I bought Jackson to the living room first to greet the rest of the boys. Surprisingly, Suga smiled at him first. Which was very very very unexpected. I can tell even Jackson was shocked. He kinda sensed that Taehyung and Suga didnt like him. It kinda bummed him out at first but I told him not to mind it. What was important is that my brother and my mom liked him and surely Eun Gi would too.

"Hey Bro, how you doing?" Namjoon greeted and gave him a manly hug.

"Doing good as usual" he smiled back and greeted the rest of the guys. Taehyung, on the other hand. Didnt even bother to acknowledge him. Which somehow felt pretty rude.

"Jackson. Its so good to see you" my mom greeted as she walked towards him for a hug. Eun Gi followed along.

"Its good to see you too Aunt Ane" he smiled back as they pulled away.

"Ah ! Jackson, i've heard a lot about you from Ane. Its good to finally meet you" he greeted and patted Jackson on the back. He let out a nervous chuckle which I thought was super cute.

I told you Eun Gi would like him.

"Dinner is ready, lets go?" My mom invited and exited the living room. the boys followed leaving Jackson and I behind. I held his hand and pulled him out if the living room too but he held back and stood there frozen.

"Whats wrong?" He didnt answer me and just stayed silent. I started to get worried.

"Babe.." I said as I cupped his cheeks making him pay attention to me.

"What wrong baby?"

" just..Really really nervous" he said and looked down on the floor. I lifted his chin up with two fingers and smiled at him warmingly.

"Did you see the way Eun Gi greeted you ? He likes you Jackson. Its okay. Trust me, okay?" I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips.

We heared a cough and we both turned to see Jungkook with an unexplainable smile on his face. Whatever it is, I just shook my head and chuckled before heading to the kitchen.
"So Jackson, how's your day?" My mom asked with a smile.

"My day is great, as always Aunt ane." He replied and glanced at me.

"So, what do you do ? What course did you take ?" Eun Gi asked in a stern voice. I felt Jackson tensed up so I held his hand for comfort.

"I-I take Theatre Sir. M-Major in d-dance" he nervously answered.

"You dont have to be formal with me. Eun Gi would be fine."

I held his hand tighter and he looked at me. His tensed expression turned soft and calm. I love how I made him feel calm just by one touch and a smile. It shows our love for eachother. Sounds cliché but trust me, its a pretty dang good feeling.

"So are you guys dating eachother ?" Eun Gi suddenly blurted out. Now we both were the one who tensed up. Neither of us knew how to calm down.

"Eun Gi, that is so not right to just directly ask them that.." my mom defended. The tension between us finally decreased and we were able calm down a little.

"Ofcourse they are dating isnt it obvious? Right George?" She added.

I swear I almost choked on the food that I was munching on. Jackson immediately poured me a glass of water as the rest of the boys looked at me with either a grin or a worried look.

"You okay?" Jackson whispered in my ears. I nodded as I placed the glass of water down. I looked around feeling embarassed at how I just reacted to what my mom said and smiled awkwardly.

"Well ? Isnt that what you're gonna tell us tonight sweety?" My mom smiled.

Mom, seriously ? You're not making this any easier for me.

"Y-yeah uh actually." I said as I bit my lower lip.

"So you guys are dating ? Officially ?" Namjoon asked enthusiastically. I noticed Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged looks and Taehyung shook his head. Is there something wrong ?..

"Yes. Thats what I wanted to tell you guys tonight, actually." I smiled proudly. I guess it really was the right time. Besides, whats the point of denying it when its already my own mother who assumed.

And she assumed right.

"Since when?" Taehyung, surprisingly asked. I couldnt tell if he was smiling or frowning. Either one. But he still gave me a small smile, you can sense the fakeness though. Not a bad fake. More like an unexplainable kind of fake.

"Its has been a month actually.."

The room went silent for a while and I have never seen Jackson sweat this much my whole life. Except, when he's dancing ofcourse.

"Congratulations then." Eun Gi cheered, breaking the ice. Jackson and I bowed on our seats as a sign of thank you before going back to eating.

"Oh and Jackson? Welcome to the family"

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