Chapter 8 - first weekend (day 2)

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It was now 5:00 in the evening and all I did was watch youtube videos and take a nap. I never knew it could be this boring for a weekend. Or maybe I just got used to hanging out with the girls during the weekends. I didnt wanna bother Sarah to go out with me since we were'nt super duper close. I sighed and turned my phone off after watching the recent episode of riverdale. I felt a little hungry and dinner wasnt gonna be ready till 7 so I decided to head downstairs to grab a snack.

The boys were in Namjoons studio room and were already starting on their songs. I couldnt nap well awhile ago because the music was too loud. I started to walk downstairs and went to the kitchen.

"Hey mom, what'cha doing?" I asked while grabbing some strawberries that I saw on the fridge.

"Oh, im just preparing the food for later's dinner, the boys would be eating with us so I really need to prepare a lot, they're quite a big eater." She said laughing.

Im gonna be stuck with Taehyung till dinner. Great, just great. I sighed and took the strawberries that were placed on the kitchen counter and headed back to my room.

Ugh, im so bored. I dont even know what to do, the girls are doing something at the moment and didnt wanna tell me about it again so I didnt have anyone to talk to the whole freaking day. I didnt wanna barge in Namjoon's room and disturb them. Besides, Taehyung was there and I felt really uncomfortable and annoyed around him. I honestly still couldnt believe the way he acted awhile ago. Like we were okay the first time and suddenly he decided to ruin my life the second. I never new Taehyung, the person who everyone loved, had this cocky side and trust me im not liking it. I thought he was nice.


"Guys, its time for dinner" I heared my mom shout from downstairs.

I shutted down my laptop and begin heading downstairs only to come face to face with the person I have been trying to avoid for the past hours. Taehyung. He gave me a look and started walking behind me as the other followed. I tried to make my pace faster just so I didnt have to be so close to Taehyung. I really didnt wanna even have him anywhere near me. Thank goodness, Jin was the one who sat beside me. However, Taehyung was seated across me. Which was worse.


"So hows the song going boys?" My mom asked.

We were all finally seated and had already start dinner. It didnt go the way I expected it to be. Instead, dinner was actually not awkward.

"Its going perfectly fine, thankfully. We really hope a lot of our fans would love it"

"Im sure they will." My mom said comforting the leader.

"Oh George, I heared the boys would be having a trip to the beach tomorrow for one of their members birthday, J-hope right?" my mom said making me stop from taking a bite.

I looked around and saw J-hope pointing at himself with the hugest grin on his face. Just like a kid would look like when he's really excited.

"Thats cool, I guess ?" I said and gave J-hope a smile.

"Would'nt it be nice if George joined you guys ? So that she wouldnt feel too bored here at home" my mom said and my eyes widened.

Me ? With them ? With all 7 of them ? No. Not gonna happend. I dont want to.
I saw the boys started to smile and looked like they agreed with my mom.

"Thats actually a great Idea. What do you think George?" Namjoon asked smiling.

I realized all the guys were already looking at me including Taehyung who had an unreadable expression on his face. I couldnt answer since I really didnt know what to say. I didnt wanna reject cause it may sound a little harsh but I didnt wanna go either.

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