Chapter 24

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Last night was probably one of the most memorable one. Not the best, but memorable. I got to open up a little bit to Namjoon, I kinda mentioned about Jackson and I's relationship. He did support me with him though which, made me glad. He and I went to an Amusement Park together. It was only the two of us but it was fun. He was so afraid of most of the rides but rode it anyway. He squealed, wailed, howled. Whatever you call it. It was seriously so Hilarious that I had more fun listening to him Scream than riding the actual ride. He would always use the excuse 'it's scarier because im aged'. Which I thought was a little absurd.

After all, he was just 2 years older than me.

Today is sunday and I really didnt have anything to do except sleep, eat and watch T.V. The guys were once again at our house but they were working on their songs so I was alone in the living room watching animal planet.

What ? Animals are cute. Love mother nature.

Then I heared my phone rang. I picked it up and saw Jackson's name popped out.


Me: Jackson ?

J: hi beautiful.

Me: hello handsome. *chuckles* why have you called ?

J: nothing, I just missed you.

Me: awe. I miss you too Jackson.

J: I wanted to ask how you're doing

Me: Good, but better when you called.

J: Im glad I called then. Seriously, I miss you.

Me: I know Jackson. I do too. I cant wait for monday.

J: so cant I. Well, I guess i'll see you tomorrow. I have to go. Take care okay ? Make sure you eat on time and rest a lot. A beautiful girl like you deserves all the rest in the world.

Me: awe. You're the sweetest I swear. You take care as well okay ? I'll see you tomorrow.

J: bye, I uh..cant wait.

Me: okay Jackson. Bye. *chuckles*

*end of conversation

Oh my god ! This is literaly the best 5 minutes call ever. I swear Jackson is such a sweety. The butterflies in my stomach goes crazy whenever he calls me beautiful. I have never felt more pretty in my life. I love how Jackson can take my insecurities away with just one word. He cares for me like crazy too. I cant stop smiling while hugging my own phone. I probably looked so stupid right now, but I dont care. Jackson just made my day from 0 to 100 real quick.

"Hey there" I almost dropped my phone as soon as I heard a voice behind me. I turned to see Jungkook with his cute little bunny smile.

"Hey Jungkook, whats up?" I asked and motioned him to come and sit beside me.

Dont take this the wrong way. Im completely into Jackson. Jungkook is just really like a small brother to me.

He hopped on the couch and sat comfortably with his legs on my lap. I rolled my eyes and tried to kick his legs off but he'd put them back on so I gave up and just let it happen.

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