Chapter 3 - hello Korea

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The day has come. The day that I would leave everything behind. Leave my home and memories. I didnt know it was this hard to say goodbye even to those little things. Like my room. It may only be a room. But this is where I slept, cry and spend my lazy days here. I created a lot of memories here. What more if I had to say goodbye to my actual home. Where I grew up, where I studied and achieve all my success ?. Its impossible to let go..

Why do we always have to say goodbye?

This is it George. You can do it please dont cry. Dont cry. Dont cry.

"Im gonna miss you so much" Angela said crying.

I hugged her just to comfort her even though I felt the same way as she did. I felt her hug tightened a lot more and cried even more, I couldnt help but cry too.

"Please, keep this George. This is from the three of us..just watch this whenever you feel lonely or miss us.." Joan added as soon as angela let go from the hug and handed me a CD. I didnt say a word.

I just cried and hugged them all. I didnt wanna let go.

I couldnt let go.

I was too afraid to leave and possibly lose them. I love my girls and I cant leave them.


They all let go from the hug and gave me a reassuring smile that everything is going to be okay..

"They're waiting George. remember bigger opportunities opens when you begin with a new life too." The oldest Joan said.

She always has a thing with saying words of wisdom. Thats why when you need advices, shes the best one to run to. I just cant imagine myself not having her beside me to tell me a lot of words of wisdom everytime I need it.

"I love you girls.. no goodbyes. Just see you again." I said and gave them another hug before finally entering the car that Eun Gi is gonna drive.

I closed the door shut and watched as the girls slowly disappearing from my sight. Seeing them disappear and knowing thats its gonna be a long time until I see them again made me super heartbroken. This is worse than a break up honestly. *sighed* I started popping on my earphones and the song 'always be together' by little mix started playing. Great. Perfect for my situation right now.
I should sleep.


"George ? Wake up. We're at the airport" I opened my eyes to the sound of my mom waking me up.

I thought I was dreaming at first but when I finally came to my senses, I looked around and saw that we were actually at the airport already. I sighed because I wasnt dreaming.

Oh how I wish I was though.

Eun Gi opened the back door where we kept all our luggages and took them out one by one. I didnt bring all of my clothes. I left most of them. Since we're not selling the house and you know if I come back to LA for a vacation I dont have to bring a lot cause I have clothes that i could wear there. See ? Smart. Right ?

I dont really have to tell you whats gonna happen inside the airport. As we all know what will happen anyway. But anyway, we were all set. I took one last glance at my hometown, LA before entering the airport.


As soon As I got inside the plane, I settled down and took my laptop out to watch the CD that Joan gave me earlier. It has only been a few hours and I already miss them. I inserted the CD and started watching.

The video started playing and already, I was in tears. What came out first was the first year we all met. 2011. Joan was just 16, Michelle and I were 15 and Angela was 14. It was a video of us inside Angela's room. Talking about our facts. It was our way of getting to know eachother. Oh how time flew so fast that Joan's now 23, michelle and I is 21 and turning 22 soon. and Angela is 20 turning 21 soon.

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