Chapter 51

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Both Jin and Jimin smiled to eachother, almost like they were understanding eachothers minds and looked back at Taehyung. Namjoon glanced over to me and then back to Taehyung before giving off a small smirk.

"Is there anyone you like at the moment ? If yes, what is the reason?" Jin continued.

The whole room seemed to tense up a little and the girls exchanged looks with a stupid smile written all over their faces. I knew where this was going. I just didnt make a huge fuss about it because I already know everything. Yes, I was nervous. Very nervous about what his answer would be. He could either deny it or say it. I wouldnt know what or how to react either ways.


"I do like someone." He simply smiled and He saw me staring at him waiting for more answers, pretending that I was beyond interested on what he was going to say. Wait no, im not pretending. I really am interested.

"Because I dont know. I dont know why, I just do." He finised off. Everyone started to roll their eyes at how unspecific Taehyungs's answer was. But I one the other hand, appreciate it even more.

Yeah, a little disappointing.

But, I completely understand that feeling. The feeling that you dont know why you fell inlove with a person, it just naturally happens. I guess when you feel that a person is special to you, you cant really put up the perfect reason as to why they are indeed special. Once you feel it, it's there.

"Be specific next time" Jin groaned. Taehyung gave out a soft chuckle and I could feel him giving me an eye. I didnt bother looking back. I just didnt know what to feel. I thought that if I looked at him back, he'd knew that I knew he was talking about me. I knew he didnt want me to know.

Taehyung grabbed the bottle and spinned it at once only to land Everyone turned their attention to me as the tip of the bottle pointed to my direction. I rolled my eyes and waited for someone to ask the question.

"Truth or dare" Michelle asked. Probable hoping i'd say truth. Too bad.

"Dare." I smiled. I heared her groaned in disappointment as I continued looking down on her with a winning smile.

"Fine. I dare you to block Jackson from everything" Michelle smirked. Everyone's eye grew bigger at how easily Michelle mentioned his name knowing that I might end up breaking down if I heared it again. But I couldnt do anything, a dare is a dare.

"Fine" I sighed. I quickly took my phone out and blocked Jackson on twitter, facebook, instagram, twitter, contacts, etc. I decided to be extra and deleted his number first before blocking, Just incase I decided to unblock him.

"Happy ?" I smiled. She nodded and rolled her eyes knowing that this was an easy one for me.

But to be honest?..It wasn't easy. Everytime I pressed 'block'. I felt like my soul was ejecting from my body. I was in an agony. The easier it is being done to my phone the harder it is to do in my life. I wanted to be set free and I thought by deleting his name everywhere would help more. But it didnt.

I wanted to restore everything the moment I realized it's too late. I didnt wanna show any bitterness towards Jackson, im not the type to do that. Not to him,atleast.

"You okay, G?" Sarah asked, holding one of my hand in comfort. I guess she noticed how I was suddenly in a daze.

"Im fine, dont worry" I smiled to her reassuringly.

Im trying to be, atleast.


"You guys all packed ?" Namjoon asked one more time. We all checked our things one last time before nodding and started heading out the door.

It was finally time to go after a great weekend staying here in Jeju. I'm never gonna forget this day til death. I learned to relax and just be free from everything. Im not saying I'm okay now. But atleast, better. I did think about him most of the time but I didnt feel super devastated to the point that I wanted to yell in agony. I wasnt happy either.

I wish I could stay more and just devour the fresh air for just one more day just to be able to ease my mind more and hopefully, get better. Woefully, I couldnt. I had to go back and face reality. Afterall, living in a lie is a lot more complicated. Everything around isnt real but you choose to be a martyr and just be happy about it even though you know you shouldnt be.

However, if you took a closer look to it. Its exactly the same as living with the truth. Both are equally hard. Which makes life difficult. You just dont know where to place yourself.

Goodbye for now, Jeju Island.


"George, wake up. We're home." I felt myself being shook softly as a soft voice whispered to my ears. I slightly opened my eyes and revealed a smiling Taehyung. Truly an angel from the heavens.

So beautiful.

"George?" He chuckled.

I immediately sat up and mentally slapped myself for saying that out loud. How embarassing. I gave him a small awkward smile and picked my bag up before exiting the car.

"Im beautiful huh?" He teased.

"I was dreaming of the beach not you" I quickly denied.

"Whatever you say" he chortled.

I simply rolled my eyes and chortled along with him.

"See you, kiddo" he said and messed my hair up.

"Yah stop" I said annoyed and messed his hair up too. We both laughed at both our silliness and finally walked away from eachother. But something seemed wrong, I didnt want him to leave just yet. I wanted him to stay for a couple more minutes. Him, being beside me, makes me feel like Im untroubled. He's convenient to me and I needed that just for a few more minutes.

I didnt think twice an turned back to where he was headed to.

"Taehyung ?"


"Cant you stay just for a minute? I dont think im okay yet..and you're the only one who can make me fe-"

"I'll stay." He simply replied with a soft smile. I didnt bother saying anything else, he knew exactly what I meant and he didnt hesitate to stay and help me feel better. Just like what he promised.


**Short chapter.

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