Chapter 17 - confused

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Me: girls calm down ! We just confessed to eachother. it doesnt mean we're actually a couple. We've only met a week ago so, Im gonna take it slow alright?

J: but its like the same thing. Just not official. Anyway, just make sure you get to know him first okay?

Me: yes, but I dont know girls. All I know is im just really happy at the moment.

M: what happened to 'im here for studies and not boys'?

A: and let me emphasize the word 'Korean'

J: guys, lets not pressure George and just support her with whatever she wants to do, please?

Me: Thank You Joan.

A: I cant believe you didnt go for any of Namjoon's friends.

Me: whats that suppose to mean ?

A: I was really rooting for you and V though, especially after the awkward staring moment you guys had a few days back.

M: Agreed.

Me: ugh speaking of that guy, I just remembered his condition for me.

J: what condition ? For what ?

Me: you see.. well Jackson and I sort of.. you know, Kissed and-


J: Already ?

Me: the first time was an accident okay? We both just got caught up in the moment and since we liked eachother we just did.

A: whatever carry on.

Me: so we kissed..and Taehyung saw us.

M: this is getting so freaking interesting.

Me: and I told him to be quiet about it, I offered him a deal that i'd do whatever it takes just for him to be silent.

J: desperate much ?

Me: Hey ! Dont judge me. He told me that they have a fansign next week and he told me to attend it and act like one of the biggest A.R.M.Y ever.


J: I kinda wanna do too. sorry, love.

M: bummer.

Me: oh what the hell. Ofcourse you wouldnt feel bad for me.

J: how could we ? We're bestfriends the only time we feel bad for you is when you're really depressed or hurting. But to things like this? Its impossible not to laugh about it.

Me: Jeez, thankyou so much. Anyways, its getting late, I have to go. Love you

M&A&J: loveyou !

*end of conversation

Taehyung's POV

"Hyung ? You okay ? You've been silent the whole walk back and now you're not talking to me" Jungkook asked concerned

We both made a plan that we'd be playing some X-box game tonight but I cancelled it last minute. I dont know I just dont feel right, I didnt want to do anything today except lay down and just do absolutely nothing.


I wanted to check up on George since she rushed back to her room without even greeting any of us. Im assuming something bad had happened. Besides I wanted to remind her about our little deal that we made last night after I saw well.. kissing accident.

I knocked on the door but she didnt open it up so I decided to peek my head in and checked what was going on.

"girls calm down ! We just confessed to eachother. it doesnt mean we're actually a couple. We've only met a week ago so, Im gonna take it slow alright?" I heared her say before I even get to call her name.

I felt a sudden pain in my chest as I heared that one word she said, 'confessed'. So she did like him ? And the other part is, he liked her back. And they have told eachother what they felt. So they're basically a couple now ?

I didnt even bother anymore.

She seemed absolutely fine from what i've heard. Why do I have to bother checking up on her ? How silly of me.

I feel stupid.

I feel really stupid.

I dont even know why I had the urge to check up on her when clearly, she was really happy and fine.

"Hyung!" Jungkook called and shook me.

"Yeah, im good. Im just tired I really wanna sleep" I replied bluntly and went to my bed.

"Aish, hyung. You told me its game night" he whined and sat on the edge of my bed.

"You dont even tell me anything anymore, im starting to get really upset" he added and threw a pillow at me.

I dont know how to tell Jungkook about this weird feeling I feel for George. Even im confused to why I feel that way. I couldnt possibly like her. I just met her and I dont even know much about her.

Ugh this is so confusing.

How can I open up to Jungkook about it when I dont even know the answer myself?

"Its about a girl huh ?" He assumed.

"It's George isnt it ?" He added, his voice slightly getting louder.

I sat up and tried to shush him up by covering his mouth with my hands. He shove my hands away and gave me a slight smirk.

"So it is ? All the days that you werent in the mood, its her isnt it?" Jungkook concluded.

"Yes? No? I dont know" I groaned and laid back down covering my face with a pillow.

"Hyung..are you..Inlove with her?" He surmised causing me to throw the pillow at him.

I wasnt inlove with her. Im pretty sure im not.

"No im not. I just met the girl" I defended.

"Really ? Cause it seems like you're somewhat captivated by George. Thats the reason why you dont like Jackson, right?" He snapped giving me a quick pat on the shoulder.

Was it ? Was it really the reason why I disliked Jackson ? It couldnt possibly be it. I know for a fact that Jackson is just a person I really didnt wanna hang out with.

"I know you bro, you dont just dislike a person unless that person really is an asshole" he finally said before leaving my bed to lay on his.

It is true.

I never hate on anyone unless that person does something to me or anyone im close with but I seriously dont know, im slightly starting to believe that..


I dont.

I just know I dont. Maybe im just feeling the need of having a little sister and maybe I have a brotherly care for her. I do miss my little sister so maybe thats what I felt for her.

I care about her

Thats true. Its very true. I care about her a lot. But it doesnt necessarily mean that I like her right ?

Ugh it just doesnt add up, I just met her. How is this even possible ?

I sighed and stood up to find Jungkook already in a deep sleep, I walked towards the light switch and turned the lights off before passing out on my bed.

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