Chapter 15

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Taehyung's POV

"V-hyung. Where are you going ?" Jungkook asked. We both were currently recording our parts for our new songs. While the rest of the boys were chilling in Namjoon's room.

"Getting water" I replied and he nodded before turning back to continue his recording.

"Just hurry up" Namjoon ordered. I nodded and closed the door behind me and started heading down.

Jackson was once again here with George to do their 'project'. I still feel uneasy around Jackson and Honestly I really didnt know why, I tried my best to avoid seeing any of them today but I really felt super dehydrated since i've been singing for the past hour so I had no choice. I slowly made my way down to the kitchen only to see..

George and Jackson kissing..

I quickly turned around and stopped to process on what the hell I just saw. George was kissing Jackson? So they're suddenly a thing now ? Why do I feel so cheated on all of a sudden ? So what if they kissed ? Thats their choice to make not mine, right ?

Whats wrong with you Kim Taehyung ?


"That guy is here again ?" Suga hyung whisperly asked, annoyed.

Both Suga hyung and I didnt like the the vibe Jackson gave us, unlike the others, they all seem to like Jackson and pretty much enjoy his company. All of them has had a proper conversation with him except Suga Hyung and I. We all recently found out that Jackson was a huge fan of Namjoon and Suga hyung since Namjoon bragged about how he felt cool knowing A guy has been inspired by him. Pabo. Appearantly, Suga didnt seem to sound too convinced to what Jackson, himself, claimed to be and neither am I. it only seems like he wanted to impress George.

"Jackson my man ! What's poppin" Jungkook yelled out and asked for a handshake from Jackson. He gladly took it and greeted Jungkook back.

"Yah! Jungkook-ah, are you forgetting that he's older than you are?" Jin snapped and hitted Jungkooks head.
George and Jackson looked at eachother and smiled as they watched the youngest and the oldest's never ending bickering.

"Let me guess ? Not accepting my mom's offer to have dinner here huh?" George said sounding upset and acted cute infront of Jackson.

She's so cute. Adorable. Fluffy. Whatever, you name it. I just hated how she does it to Jackson. Jackson pinched her cheeks and she pouted. What a 'cute' looking couple. Note to sarcasm.

"I promised my mom i'd be having dinner with them tonight. I'll make it up to you next time, I promise" he replied and glanced over to me. The hell do you want?

"I have to go. Thankyou Mrs.Roque and ofcourse to you guys" he added.

Tsh. For what ? We didnt even help him with anything. Suga hyung and I exchanged looks and walked away. We sat down on the chair as the rest of the boys chatted with Jackson a little bit more. And again, George went out to walk with Jackson till the gate. We all know whats gonna happen there anyway. I mean, atleast, I know what is.

The hell I care..


Dinner had just finished and the guys and I decided to head home in a minute. All the boys were resting a little bit more on the living room while Mrs.Roque rested in her room. Meaning, George was left in the kitchen with me. I wanted to help her out with the cleaning. Im just kidding, thats basically just an excuse so I could mention how I saw her kiss Jackson today.

"I saw that, you know?" I said quietly.

Although, I wasnt looking at her. I could feel her tense up and started to panic mentally. I guess she already knew what I was talking about. Shortly after, I felt myself being dragged to the corner of the kitchen.

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