Chapter 6 - The perfect Karma

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Its been exactly 5 days since I last came to Korea and Im still not used to living here. School ? School's not fine. I still find it really awkward since what happened during my first day. Fortunately, she left me alone the following days. I tried my best avoiding her everytime I see her walking around the hallway or seeing her at the cafeteria.

I couldnt stand her.

Today is Friday, the last day of school for this week and then two days of doing absolutely nothing again.

I headed downstairs to look for my shoes and as expected the boys were there again. There wasnt a day that they didnt come here to practice. Im not complaining but it made me feel uncomfortable, its almost like living with them since I see their faces almost everyday.

Although, I never really get to start a conversation with them.

"Morning" I greeted and ran to the shoe rack. I was almost late.

Its now 7:45 and class starts at 8:00.

"Gina, hurry up. You're gonna be late" my mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Im almost done." I yelled back and tied my shoe lace.

I went in the living room to take my bag which, I left last night since I was doing my homework. It was really a challenge for me since V was sitting close to it and Im too shy to even ask him for it and It'll also be rude to just take it. I ended up asking for it anyway.

"Uhm, excuse me V? Could you kindly give me my bag over there?" I shyly asked, not looking at him.

"Ofcourse" he said smiling and handed me my bag.

I couldnt help but blush. Its been days since I felt this way around him. There was even a time where we came across eachother in the kitchen. And trust me I couldnt even look at him. He keeps giving me his 'squared smile' and it keeps making my stomach go crazy and my face red everytime he does it. I didnt know what I was feeling. It wasnt the best but I wasnt hating it too.

"Thankyou" I smiled back.

For a moment, We stared at eachother for a good second which, I didnt realize until my mom called me again. I quickly took my eyes off him and heared a cough from one of his mates. I guess they also felt awkward.

I checked my phone and saw the time it was now 7:50.

"Shit" I whispered before running outside to the car.

As I sat down on the front seat I popped on my earphones and laid my head back. I tried to close my eyes but when I close it, I only see V, the way we looked at eachother awhile ago.

What the hell just happened back there ?

What the hell just happened to me ?

Ugh, George ! You're so embarassing.


"Goodbye class, see you next week" Mr.Lee, our english teacher said before exiting the room.

"Ugh, PE is next. I hate that class" Sarah complained looking really annoyed.

"That explains your low stamina" I said laughing.

Sarah and I has gotten a little bit more close since day 2. I realized that she'd be the only one I will be sticking around with for the next 2 years so I really shouldnt be a bitch to her.

"Hey, atleast Im fit, okay ?"

"True enough" I said laughing before exiting the classroom together.

We walked to our lockers and took out our PE uniform and headed to the dressing room to change.

"Ugh, my mother should've got me a size bigger that this. Its too fitted" I said while checking myself out on the mirror.

Spring Day // Kim Taehyung ( V )Where stories live. Discover now