Chapter 52 - I found a love

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George's POV:

It has been a month since our trip to Jeju. Time flies so fast I didnt even realize that Jackson left me hanging about a month ago. About that, Jackson has been ignoring me completely ever since he broke up with me. It was hard..very hard. The fact that I see him everyday..with Rosè, The person he's dating now, turned my world upside down. That used to be me, the person he kisses on the cheeks everytime we were gonna seperate for class. The person he held hands with while walking on the hallway. But now, he just pass by me like I never existed. Everytime I see him walking past me, it broke my heart into tiny pieces. Everything felt so new and I couldnt get use to it. I remember him running to me the moment he sees me walking on the hallway and hugs me so tight while whispering 'I missed you so much" even though he saw me the day before that. But now, it doesnt bother him anymore even if he doesnt see me for a day. I feel pain in my heart whenever I think about how he's doing so well without me. It always made me wanna curl up back in my room and just cry my heart out until I no longer feel the pain.


These past few days, a day without having Jackson beside seemed to hurt less. I no longer cry whenever I see him, I no longer lock myself in my room and shut myself out from everyone else. I thought maybe I was starting to get used to it. Maybe I was slowly starting to accept that whatever we had before, would never come back. The strangest part is that I wanted us to get back together but theres also a part of me that didnt want to take Jackson back in my life. I even told the girls about how I felt and they were all saying that they're happy for me.

I wasnt sure If I was happy for myself.

I wasnt completely over Jackson. However, there's something keeping me from falling into a despair whenever I think of him. Taehyung.

I hate to admit how he did fulfill his promise and the way how Im slowly starting to believe that I could really live without Jackson. Ever since our trip to Jeju, Taehyung and I started growing closer to eachother. We recently got eachother's phone number and we talk on the phone most of the time. I always tell him about how my day went and I'd always feel bad because the only thing I could talk about was how I felt about seeing Jackson. I knew he liked me, but he said he would help me feel better whenever I needed to be. Its okay..right ? Besides, he's the only one who can take the heaviness in my heart away.

The girls too but with Taehyung..its different.

"George ? You're smiling"

"Im sorry what ?" I replied finally snapping back to reality. Sarah and I were walking to the bus stop since we were headed to my house. The girls always asked Sarah to come by since they all liked her very much.

"You're smiling George, again" she smiled.

I knew they all wanted to see me smiling again, its been awhile since i've smiled for real. I never had the guts to be happy since I felt like I wasnt allowed to.

"Oh, im sorry''

"Hey, its okay. Its great to see you smile again G." She said, admiring my smile that she hasnt seen for a while.

"So who are you thinking of ?"

"What ?" What does she mean by that ? I wasnt thinking of anyone..right ?

"You heared me. Who is the person making you smile like that ?" She smirked.

Who is the person making me smile like this ?...

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