Chapter 53 - let go.

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I was walking to class peacefully since Sarah wasnt able to go to school today, she had to go to Busan, where her family originally lives because her Grandma passed away. So today I was alone. It didnt bother me much since Im getting pretty used to being alone. College was stressful, very stressful. However things got easier ever since Jackson and I ended our relationship. Lisa no longer bothers me. From time to time I would come across her but she would just smile at me, something I never thought she could do. Smile at me. Still, I give her the cold shoulder. I wanted her to stay away from my life as much as possible. Along with her brother who I recently started resenting. Not because he left me. But because it wasnt a week when we broke up and I started seeing him with Rosè. That means he cheated on me with her..right ?

This isnt the first time someone cheated on me. But it hurted way more than the first time. At this point on, I no longer feel pain. I feel resentful.

Just as I was thinking about how much I hated Jackson, he suddenly popped out of nowhere and stood infront of me with a regretful look on his face, blocking the door and prevented me from entering it.

"Im going through this door. Do you mind if you move ?" I said with a cold tone. I didnt make any eye contact with him. I saw how he looked when I looked at him. I didnt wanna believe the emotions he had while looking at me. I didnt wanna be decieved anymore. Im tired and done. I didnt wanna do anything with Jackson. And if I looked at him, thats exactly what i'll end up doing.

"Can we talk?" He asked weakly.

"What is there to talk about ? I get it you're happy now. Now please, step aside." I replied in a weak but cold tone. At this point, I was trying to hold back my anger as it will turn into tears. I dont wanna cry infront of Jackson anymore. I dont want him to feel bad about me. I want to show him that Im fine and that i'll be fine. Im done showing him that I needed him in my life, it'll only show that I have lost. Its not a war between Jackson and I. Its a war between me and Myself. This is the war that will have no end if I didnt put an end to it. And im ready to end it. If this continued, I dont even know what else im trying to fight for. When clearly, theres no reason to.

"Let me give us a proper closure.." he sighed.

"Closure ?..I dont need one Jackson. I made my own closure for you. You dont have to try anymore. I get it. So please, let me through. I dont want this to get ugly." I sternly said. I wanted to burst out infront of him. But as I said, I need to stop being weak all the time. Its time I stand by myself. He eventually gave up and stood aside allowing me to pass through and walk inside the classroom.

I somehow felt light inside. I didnt feel extremely good but I could somehow compliment myself for being strong infront of the person who I once called my weakness. Its the biggest and the bravest thing I have done for myself. I couldnt be more proud.


2 days later..

Sarah finally came back after her family's mourning towards her Grandmother. I couldnt tell how much i've missed her. I wanted to tell how how I handled the talk I had with Jackson. I wanted her to know that I became independent even when I didnt have her beside me.

"I missed you Sarah, so much." I fake cried and gave Sarah a tight hug.

"Gosh I missed you too. It felt horrible not being around you and the girls while feeling terribly down." She whined like a typical white girl. God, I missed her so much.

"Awe, we're so sorry we werent able to be with you when you needed us the most. Speaking of, how is your mom ?" I asked while linking arms with her.

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