Chapter 11

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Another day has come and its finally time for school again. Yesterday was so much fun that I forgot I had to go to school today. I was still really tired as I was too busy editing my vlog last night that I lost track of time. Is it too late to regret everything ? As usual. I shot up lazily and did the things I needed to do before heading downstairs to look for my shoes. Much to my surprise the boys wasnt here. I guess they were too tired to wake up early in the morning today. I mean, who isnt tired? Even Namjoon isnt up yet.

"Ready to go?" My mom asked and flashed me a smile. I simply nodded and we both left.


The first period bell rang and we all stood up to bow to our Teacher before exiting the class. Today wasnt really a great day since I learned that Sarah was absent today, which was odd since she was a person who didnt like missing classes. Oh well, I guess she has her reasons. I quietly walked to my locker, carrying my Korean Textbook since we had Korean class for the first period.

"Missed me?" A familiar voice said and I turned to come face to face with Jackson. A small smile started to form my lips as Jackson flashed me the smile that had always made me go crazy.

"Not so much" I asserted before rolling my eyes.

"So you did ? Just not so much huh?" He implied and started to walk with me since We both were having the same class next.

"Whatever." I replied and we both chuckled.

We both entered Art class and sat down to our respective seats. Jackson had moved his seat beside me since the day we became partners during my first day. I told him to just stay seated to where his friends were but he insisted that it was totally cool with his friends. I didnt have a choice since Jackson was a really stubborn guy. Which, I didnt really mind at all.

"Today class, we're up to something different. Its nothing related to Painting, in easier words. You all know that painting isnt only what the word 'Art' comprises. Art is simply about creativity and skills. And I want to see your creativity and skills." Mr. Jung indicated. Jackson and I exchanged looks of confusion since we were curious about where this activity was going.

"I want to see your skills in creating music. Music is a part of Art right ? Its like expressing your emotions but with words and not a paint brush" my eyes widened as Mr.Jung announced our next task.

I wasnt good at expressing myself with words. I have always expressed my emotions by painting since I didnt know how to articulate my own feelings. That is why whenever I feel dejected, I end up locking myself in my room and decides not to speak to anyone at all. Excluding the girls ofcourse. Jackson noticed how my body tensed up as I held onto my bag tightly.

"Hey ? What's wrong ?" He asked and put a hand on my shoulder. I plainly shook my head and looked down. He didnt seem to be persuaded by my respond so he lifted my head up to look at him which caused me to slightly blush.

"No really ? Whats wrong?" He asked worriedly. I told you I wasnt good at explaining my feelings so I didnt have the right words to say.

"Are you nervous because of what Mr.Jung said?" He figured. I merely nodded and bit my bottom lips. I tend to bite my lips when im ashamed, nervous or shy. Its a force of habit.

"Out everything you can do. You're scared of making music?" He solicited while laughing.

"Yah ! I have my reasons okay ? I was never good at expressing my emotions by words. Which is why, I tend to stay quiet when I feel downgraded." I explained emphasizing the word 'why' before rolling my eyes.

"Goodluck then" he teasingly said before returning his attention to Mr.Jung.

"And ofcourse, its your choice if you would wanna do a duet, trio or solo. I will give you two days to work on your music. You will be asked to perform it in class by Thursday."

"Thursday ? Isnt that a little too soon ? Writing a song is not easy at all" I annoyingly whispered but still audible. I heared Jackson chuckle and I shot him a glare.

"Since we have all the time today, I dont see the reason to not start at all right ?" He demanded with a smile. And as expected some students stood up and partnered up. Some were duet, some were trio and some were planning on going solo. While I sat there not knowing what to do since I wasnt fond of writing musics at all.

"So, what do you plan on doing ? Solo ? Or duet?" Jackson asked and pulled his chair closer to mine.

"I honestly have no Idea" I sighed and rested my elbow on my desk.

"So. Wanna do a duet?" I looked at him with a blank face thats basically saying 'are-you-serious-right-now?'

"What ? I reckon you couldnt do it on your own so im kind enough to offer some help" he proposed with a smirk. I dont see why not right ?

"Fine. But I dont think i'd be much of a help"

"I'll take my chances" he said and winked at me.

Gosh, I wish I could just yell at Jackson's face to beg him to stop doing that all the time. Its crazy cause he makes my heart race just by looking at his smiles. At some point, I could just never say No to Jackson everytime he offers something. Well he really doesnt take No as an answer which is why I have mentioned that he was really stubborn. Which I was slightly starting to like about him.

Oh Jackson, what are you doing to me?

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