Chapter 10 - Little Trip to Busan (part 2)

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After a few hours of traveling and having the best ride ever. We finally stopped to our destination. I was kind of bummed about it since we were altogether once again. I enjoyed my time with only the 'Hyungs'. Hah! I learned another word. I noticed how Namjoon calls Suga and Jin Hyung all the time so I kind of asked what Hyung meant so they told me thats what they call older guys, however for us girls, we're suppose to call Big brothers 'Oppa' which I thought sounded pretty awkward since I heard a girl call some guy 'oppa' in a porn video.. dont judge me. I didnt watch it, a friend just showed it to me and due to my curiousity, I accidentally watched it. Totally different..but come on, You gotta open your mind to things like that once in awhile, you know ? Besides, it was ONCE.

Enough talk about that, lets focus on the real thing ayt ? Its getting really awkward. The four of us got out of the car and I helped Namjoon to get things out from the trunk but Jin insisted that I just stand aside and let the boys do the carrying. I stood there in awe as Jin smiled at me and carried the things that I should be carrying. I swear Jin is so sweet no wonder Angela loves him.

I might as well fall for him too if this continues.

Wait what ?

"Need any help?" I snapped back to reality as well, Taehyung stood beside me and offered some help.

"Yeah, I need you to take a few steps away from me" I whispered underneath my breath.

"You hate me that much ?" He asked with a smile on his face. A smile, not a smirk. Which was unusual. Did I somehow..offended him ?

I was about to answer when he nodded and walked away. What the hell just happened ?

Taehyung's POV.

After a long ride. The boys and I finally arrived at the beach and we all got out one by one. Our manager then told us all to becareful and just inform him if we needed him to pick us up. We insisted that he come with us but he kept saying that we all needed a time of our own. You know, like, be independent.

We all said our goodbyes to our manager and he finally drove off leaving us behind while waiting for our Hyungs to arrive. Shortly after, they finally arrived. The first person I saw was George, Who was surprisingly enjoying herself. I didnt think she would enjoy the whole ride. As far as I know, George didnt like the idea of coming with us in the first place, but now seeing her laughing like that, it just..I dont know what feeling it gives me but she indeed looked beautiful. There's nothing to deny about that.

We all made our way to them as they exited the car. We all went to the trunk to help them carry things out. George tried to help but Jin Hyung told her that it was okay and that we could handle it. She defeatedly stood aside with a huge smile written all over her face. She was..blushing. I eyed George's eye and followed her gaze only to land on Jin Hyung.

Was she blushing because of Hyung ?

I didnt know why I felt weird knowing that she was blushing because of Hyung.

"Need any help?" I asked as I saw her carrying a huge bag and another bag which, I believe, had a camera inside. I observed how George would react since I know she had been really uncomfortable around me because of my dickhead move yesterday. And as expected, her expression changed. I expected this but why can't I help but feel a little disappointed that her smile started to fade away the moment she saw me ?

"Yeah, I need you to take a step away from me" she whispered. Although, she whispered. I still heared her pretty clearly. There it is again, the feeling of disappointment. I couldnt help but feel wretched about what she said.

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