Chapter 43 - Im here for you..

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I ran and ran, not caring if I was going at the right direction, I didnt know where I was off too. I ignored the looks that I was getting from people while I sob my way to wherever place I was gonna go to. I needed to be alone. I needed to let the pain out.

I lost Jackson.

I lost the love of my life.

He didnt even hesitate to leave me in that room. He didnt even think twice about leaving me, Breaking me..

What am I suppose to do now ? The only person who made me feel my worth is gone. How did this happen ? I cant stop. I cant stop blaming myself for not being enough. My heart hurts so much that I just wanna yell out. Still, screaming my heart out wont help it make any better. I needed Jackson back.

I stopped walking as I felt a light water on my shoulder. It was starting to rain. What a perfect weather for a grief-stricken life situation.

I cried harder as I came to a stop at a small park. I let myself get soaked by the rain While remembering all the good memories both Jackson and I made at this same exact spot. The memories that I wished still continued.

"Excuse me? You might get sick" I looked up to see a random man standing beside me with an umbrella on his hand.

I slowly stood up and walked away from him. I didnt bother looking back and continued walking further and further away from him.

I knew exactly where I needed to be.

Taehyung's POV

I stared out the window as I watched the rain angrily pouring down. It was sunny yet it was raining. Its funny because thats how I felt. You all know why. George and I, we've become more closer after our last date. I finally dont feel nervous around her, let alone ending up saying something stupid that made her uncomfortable. She doesnt hate me anymore and we both enjoy eachothers presence now. Its like the whole weight of the world on my shoulder is gone.

"Taehyung? You still here?" I snapped back to reality as I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Uh, yah"

Joan and I got closer too, she somehow found out that I had a thing for George since The day they came here She wouldnt stop hot seating me until I finally gave up and told her I did feel a little something. She wouldnt stop talking about George. She wanted to help me out but I told her not to bother since George has Jackson.

"Thinking about her?" She teased.

"What? No. Im not" I denied with an obvious smile on my face.

Ofcourse she wouldnt believe it. Im always thinking about her and she knows it. How can you not help yourself to not thinking about a girl like George ? Seriously ?

"Taehyung-ah can you please get some water?" Namjoon asked nicely. I nodded and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.
I poured water into a glass, halfway full and finally headed out the kitchen until I heared a doorbell.

Who could possibly be here this early afternoon ? I dont think George would be here at this hour.

I placed the the glass back to the kitchen counter and went straight for the door.

"George?.." She stood there, soaking wet with an awfully swollen eyes.

She didnt say a word, she started crying as she walked closer to me, slowly burrying her face on my chest, crying. She hugged me so tight that I felt her shivers and her cold felt body. I got so worried and hugged her back even if it means i'll get wet from her soaking clothes.

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