Chapter 14

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I squealed in excitement as I have finally come up with a sentence or more for our song. We were, once again, in my place and worked on our song. Jackson stared at me confusedly.

"I came up with one. Its in english though I dont know how to say it in Korean" I stated and sighed as I rested my elbow on the kitchen counter.
We decided to write a Korean song since it was fair for the others who werent gonna write english songs. And besides, I need to learn Korean.

"Let me see" Jackson grabbed my notebook and started reading it. I stared at him as he read it with an unexplainable smile on his face. He would even look at me from time to time and would resume back to reading again.


"Impressive, where'd you get the inspirations for the lyrics?" He smiled handing me back my notebook.

"I honestly have no idea, it just happened" I replied bluntly.

When you look at me
When you look at me and smile
It feels like my heart will stop
How about you?
It's really hard for me to handle
All day, I think of you

*a short flashback
"What I meant was, Your mom's beautiful" he stated and stared deeply into my eyes.

It's hard to say it, I wasnt sure if Jackson was the inspiration. My inspiration. I wasnt sure if that really is how I felt about him but the thing is, I didnt wanna find out what I felt about him. Im too much of a coward to know if I did like him or not. But Jackson, I couldnt stop thinking of him after what happened yesterday. The way he would look at me was exactly how I looked at him right this moment. And he kissed me on the cheeks last night too. Im not assuming theres a meaning behind it but why do I start to feel like my feelings intends to be more than just a friend towards him ? This is so confusing.

"You know a picture would last longer" Jackson teased with smirk. I snapped back to reality and mentally facepalmed myself as soon as I realized I was staring at Jackson for a good amount of time. I immediately looked away and bit my lower lip as I turn red.

Stupid George.

"Im done with mine" he said and I soothed closer to him.

"Oh every time I see you
When I see your eyes
My heart keeps fluttering
You're my destiny
The only person I want to protect
Until the end of the world
Don't leave me
Even if we can't see our futures
Will you believe in me and wait for me?"

I was so immersed with the lyrics and was staring at him as he said those words. Its not that im assuming that it was for me, but all I know is that's how I felt towards and him, I couldnt stop staring at him and how he smiled when he say those words, word by word. He was so beautiful. No, he was perfect. I loved how his brown hair moves along with him whenever he flinches or does a small gesture. I love the way his eyes smiles whenever he smiles. And that soft lips of his, I love how they naturally look like they're smiling all the time, to the point that I want to smile whenever I see him as well. I was just sitting there staring recklessly at him. I didnt care about anything at this point. My mind was blank, nothing was sinking in my head, I didnt even notice that he was already looking at me too. And slowly, Our face were getting closer to eachother.

His eyes. It was so mesmerizing that it makes my heart weak. The stares he gives me would always send shivers down my spine. He looked over to my lips and back up to my eyes. With a blink of an eye. Jackson's lips were on mine. Butterflies started going crazy on my stomach, my head started to shut down. I was kissing Jackson and Jackson was kissing me.

I quickly pulled away and looked away. I couldnt face him. My face were too red, I was too embarassed.

"Lets come up with a melody now then, shall we?"

He went silent for a moment as he also tried to process on what just happened and shrugged it off before giving me a smile.

"I guess we should"


Finally, we were done with the song. The boys have all gathered up in the kitchen as dinner was already being prepared. As usual Jackson couldnt stay long. He promised his mom that he would have dinner at home so he bid everyone goodbye and I, again, walked with him till the gate.

"Hey uh, Thank you for today" Jackson said stopping as we reached the gate.

"You're welcome. And thanks to you too" I replied and felt my cheeks burning up as he gave me the smile that always weakens my heart.

"I'll see you tomorrow ?" He asked shyly while scratching the back of his neck. He really looks cute whenever he's shy.

"Yeah, I'll see you" I replied back and bit my lower lip.

"Bye" he said and gave me a small wave, I did the same to him before he began walking away. I watched him til he was finally out of sight.

I closed the gate and leaned against it. I touched my lips, remembering what just happened, a huge smile started to form on my lips and I could seriously cry with happiness right now but I couldnt. I closed my eyes and mentally fangirled. I couldnt believe it. I didnt want to believe it. If ever this was a dream, I wish i'd never wake up. But fortunately, it isnt. It's real. everything is real.

Jackson and I kissed.

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