Chapter 29

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"Namjoon ? What's wrong ? Who was that ?" I asked.

After Namjoon recieved a call he got a little angry and worried at the same time. He wouldnt sit down or stay in place. Even the others started to worry.

"Hyung ! Whats wrong ?" Jimin stood up and hold onto Namjoon's shoulder causing him to stop walking around.

"Its Jungkook. He called and they're at the bar" he said through gritted teeth.

"WHAT ?!" Jin yelled.

"And Taehyung, he's drunk. Really drunk" he added.

Everyone stood up from their seats and started panicking while I sat there in silence, slightly entertained. I know I shouldnt be but I couldnt help myself, their faces are so funny.

"Aish! Jeongmal ! What's wrong with him ?" Suga said angrily. I let out a chuckle that caused them to look at me. I shrugged and took my phone out to tweet.

'Goodjob Taehyung. So much for having a stomachache LMFAO'

Its kinda funny how he used that excuse. Everyone uses that back in highschool. I cant believe it still works till now !

They all kept walking back and forth and honestly, its making me so dizzy. I let out a loud groan and they all turned to me. Thank you !

"Instead of just walking around the whole room and stressing yourself out, why dont we go there to pick them up ?" I said rolling my eyes and stood up to grab the car keys.

I threw the car keys to Jin hyung and he caught it. I clapped my hands and headed to the car. The rest followed and I sat on the passenger seat beside Jin. Suga and Namjoon sat together while Jimin and J-hope sat at the very back.

"Guys ! Jungkook texted ! He said he lost Taehyung" Namjoon said flustered.

"What has gotten into him ?!" Jin said in frustration. He started the car and drove away.
"Jungkook!" I screamed and we headed towards him. He looked terrified by just looking at Namjoon and Jin who looked really furious.

"YAH ! YOU PABO I TOLD YOU TO GO HOME DIDNT I ?!" Namjoon screamed and smacked Jungkooks head.

"we were gonna but Taehyung told the driver to go here, I couldnt stop him" he defended rubbing his head. Namjoon and the others said no more words and went inside angrily. I stayed outside with Jungkook and gave him a teasing smile.

"Why did he wanna come here anyway ?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Because of you" he murmured.

"What ?" I asked.

Because of me ? What did I do ?

"Nothing. Lets just go inside and help them look for Taehyung" he said dragging me along with him inside.

Me ? What the hell did I do ?

The moment we entered I felt my head beating due to dizzyness. The music was so loud that I could feel my eardrums blowing up. The smell hurted my nose as well because of the smoke and alcohol. I wanted to get out. Theres too many people. I cant even breath.

"Did you guys find him ?" Suga had to scream in order for us to hear. The music was so loud that I cant even hear my own thoughts. I couldnt think of anything else besides the fact that Jungkok said it was my fault. I still wonder.


"Guys ! The bouncer said he left a couple of minutes ago with a girl" Namjoon yelled.

"How does he know it was Taehyung ?" I yelled back.

"I dont know ? Maybe because he's V from BTS and almost everyone knows him !" Suga sarcastically said. I mentally facepalmed myself in embarassment. Ofcourse that was the reason, how stupid of me.

"What are we suppose to do now ? I cant contact him. He turned his phone off" Jimin worriedly yelled.

"Lets just go home and maybe he'd come back tomorrow morning. We cant look for him all night" Namjoon sighed.

We all agreed and began walking out of that stinking bar.

Taehyung, You are in big trouble tomorrow morning.


Taehyung's POV

I woke up with an awful headache, I shouldnt have drank last night. My head hurts like a little b. I groaned as I shifted myself to face the left side while still laying on the bed. I slowly opened my eyes and


Who is this girl beside me ? And why is she beside me ? And HOLY WHERE AM I ?!

I quickly sat up and looked around the room. This isnt my room ! What the hell happened last night ?

Oh god im so dead.

I quickly grabbed my phone and turned it on. The apple logo started popping out and I could feel my heart beating rapidly.

22 missed calls and 100+ text messages.

Great. Just great. Please prepare a really nice funeral for me. Im gonna need it.

"Awake already babe?" I quickly diverted my gaze to the girl who was beside me who had already sat up with a smirk on her face.

"Who are you ? And what happened last night ?" I calmly asked. She's still a girl you know.

"Im Lisa. You really dont remember anything ?" She replied with a sweet smile this time.

"N-no" I said gulping. I hope nothing. Im known to be the cleanest in my group. I dont want anything like this to be published in the media or I'll seriously be ruined for life !

"Dont worry, nothing happened. We just made out the whole night" she smirked with a wink before standing up. She was fully dressed, thankfully.

Wait ? Made out ? She stole my first kiss ?! A stranger took my first kiss ? I was planning to save it for the person that I love ! God Taehyung you're so dumb !

"Hey Lisa-oh..Taehyung?" My eyes widened at the person who just barged in Lisa's room. I could tell he was very surprised too.

Jackson ? What is he doing here ?

"Jackson ! Do you not knock ?" Lisa yelled.

"Jackson ?"

"You guys know eachother ?" Lisa asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah..he's George's friend" Jackson replied and leaned against the door.

"Oh..that girl" Lisa scoffed and rolled her eyes.

Why ? Whats wrong with George ? Who is she and how does she know George ? Seriously, Im so confused. What the hell is going on.

"This is Lisa. My sister" he awkwardly smiled.

Sister ? I just slept with Jackson's sister ? Can my day start off any better ?

"Im sorry but I have to go" I quickly grabbed my phone and shoes. Ignoring Lisa's callings, I went straight for the door. Its kinda rude. But I had to get out of there.

What if George finds out about this? That I slept with her boyfriend's sister ? Ofcourse Jackson would mention it to her ! I should've stayed and told Jackson not to say a word !

I repeatedly facepalmed myself as I walk home. What was I thinking ? Why did I even forced Jungkook to drink ? I should've went home ! I just caused myself a huge trouble !

How am I suppose to face the other members ?

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