Chapter 41 - I got you, I promise

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We were walking around the park with our newly bought onesies. I saw it after we had lunch when we were walking around the mall. I had to force him to buy one with me so we both could look adorable while wondering around the streets of Ilsan. Its also a good cover up so people wont notice him you know ?

See im helpful and smart. Oh did I mention smart ?

"So what do you plan to do ?" I asked.

"Lets go for a bike !" He happily suggested.

Have I mentioned ? Im not a fan of bikes. Yes, that is an excuse. I just really dont know how to ride one in general.

"You got something else in mind?" I asked, not sounding too obvious that I didnt like the whole biking idea.

"Nope, biking sounds fun" he smiled and pulled me to where a row of bikes was placed.

He talked to the man who was the one incharge of the bikes and looked over to me, signaling me to get a bike. I slowly walked to where he was and held onto one. I stared at it like it was the most terrifying thing in the world. I didnt know how I would be able to ride this without breaking my face.

"Whats wrong?" I looked at him, who was already sitting on the bike.


"Dont tell me that you-.." he didnt continue any further and blasted out in laughter.

I stared at him with a poker face waiting for him to get over the fact that I didnt know how to ride a bike. I dont think he'd be stopping anytime soon. He seemed to be too amused with the whole situation.

"Sorry" he finally said and tried holding in his laugh this time. I rolled my eyes and stomp one leg before walking out.

"Yah! George!" He called out.

"Taehyung, I dont know how to ride a bike please dont force it" I sighed.

"Okay, I wont" he kindly smiled.

He pulled my hand and we headed to where the bikes were again and he returned the previous bike that he got and got another one. I thought he wont force it, seriously what is this guy up to ?

"Really V? Really ?" I asked annoyed.

"What ? You dont have to ride it alone. Theres a small chair here in the front that you can seat on While I paddle" he said hopping on the bike.

I stood there unsure about the whole idea and gave him a look.

"Come one George. I got you, I promise." He reassured and held a hand out. I hesitantly took it and sat on the small chair infront before sighing.

He started paddling and the bike almost went out of balance. My heart almost dropped along with it.

"Taehyung, stop" I shakingly said.

"Trust me George." With that being said, we went further and further. Away from where we were without falling off.

I didnt think that I would enjoy it this much. The warm breeze that hits my face and the sound of the wind that passes through my ears. The only thing that I was uneasy about was the fact that Taehyung was so close to me. His arms almost like hugging me and his face so close to mine that I could hear his breathings. So close that I could see how perfect he really looked. His perfectly defined nose and jawline. His perfect skin. And the way his lips will part from eachother to breath.

Everything about him was perfect.

"Enjoying the view ?" He asked.

Ofcourse. ofcourse he noticed how I was examining his face. Im not really good at hiding my judgy side. I stare if I need to stare. Its just really how I am, and I seriously need to stop.

"Where are we heading to anyway?" I asked sounding a little annoyed. Thats how I am when im embarassed.

"Just going around this place, enjoy it will you?" He chuckled.

"How can I enjoy when you're face is literally blocking my sight" I rolled my eyes.

"Isnt my face such a great view?" He teased

"Get over yourself Taehyung" I laughed.

He continued paddling to wherever we reached. I did infact enjoyed the view. Not his view. Sometimes I would steal a glance but that just about it. No more staring. Im trying to stop my habit of doing that, it isnt healthy.
Taehyung and I finally returned the bike after going around the whole park. Its indeed huge and beautiful, a lot of pretty scenarios that you just wanna come back to it all the time. We had a few stops and took a couple of shots of the view then would hop back on the bike. He tried to teach me but gave up eventually. He kept sighing when I couldnt even get on the bike without falling on the other side. He was so frustrated that its so funny.

We were both sitting on the bench watching the sunset with a few snacks in our hands. Today was a productive day. It didnt go as bad and awkward as I thought it would be.

Im sorry for being a judgy wadgy person. Its just Taehyung and I dont get along well so I assumed it would go bad.

Taehyung definately reached my expectation. He was really a different person without the other members. He was chill, nice and had a lot of stories with him. Yes, he still had the cocky side but only when we're both joking around. I never knew he could be the person i'd feel comfortable to tell everything to. He was just himself, different from the Taehyung I knew back. I liked this Taehyung better. The Taehyung who had a nice and shy side. Tell me who doesnt like shy guys ?

Its not that im saying I like him. But im starting to appreciate him as a friend, just like how I see the other guys.

"Thank you for today by the way" I smiled as we both ate our ramyeon.

"I should be the one to say thankyou" he smiled back.

"Why is that?"

"Because you agreed to go out with me" he shyly smiled. He quickly took his gaze off of me and focused back on his food.

I can't believe im saying this but I kinda feel glad I agreed to go out with him. I get to see the true Taehyung that everyone loved and appreciated. I finally got rid of the Taehyung that I once hated a lot because of the wrong impressions.

"Im done with my food. We should head back soon, its getting darker. Namjoon would be worried if we come home late" I chuckled.

He nodded and took my box of ramyeon and juice along with his to clean up. I mouthed him thanks and we both started heading back to the car.

Its a great day.

Spring Day // Kim Taehyung ( V )Where stories live. Discover now