Chapter 49

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"What is it?"

"Its who is it" he corrected.

"Who is it then?"


The whole area went quiet for a second. I stood there, trying to process on what Taehyung had just said.

Me ?

His inspiration ?

Why ? What did I do to inspire him? No. The real question is. How can a person so ordinary like me, inspire such a huge star ? That almost seemed impossible.

"Im ?" I repeated still not believing the fact that I, Georgina Roque, inspires the Kim Taehyung of Korea's biggest Boyband member.

"Yes, George. You." He bluntly replied. No expression. He just looked into my eyes straight.

"But why ? How ?"

"Theres no reason to why I feel inspired by you. I just do." He answered.

He just does ? Im puzzled. Seriously, is that even legal ? No reason to why I inspire him ? Kim Taehyung is a crazy dude.

"You're a funny guy" I joked. I wouldnt buy it. Im guessing Taehyung just wants to make things better for me because im feeling absolutely horrible about Jackson and I's break up.

"I never asked you to believe what I said. I just wanted to tell you that" he smiled and continued to walk ahead leaving me a little behind.

"Wait up !"

Taehyung's POV

"You're a funny guy" she chuckled.

"I never asked you to believe what I said. I just wanted to tell you that" I smiled and walked away.

"Wait up !"

I knew George wouldnt believe what I said. I expected this reaction yet, I still wanted her to know that she really is a huge inspiration to me.

Well, to be honest.

I wouldnt call it an 'inspiration' exactly. More like a motivation, just for my everyday provocations. Lets set an example.


Seriously, his name provokes the hell out of me.

I'll admit.

I hate it everytime I see George cry for him. I hate hearing George mentioning his name. I hate how she always thinks about him when clearly, he's out there partying with a bunch of different girls.

But I wont let things like 'Jackson' get to me. I should show George she deserves so much better than just a jerk who wasted a girl like Her. She deserves way more.

By more, I meant me.

Lets get real here, im the guy that probably half of the girls around the world would die for and yet, im here, Trying my best to confess to the girl I like in a way that she wouldnt really understand that I do really infact, liked her. A lot.

Its not about being a coward. I just didnt want to stress her out about me, having a huge interest in her while she's mourning for her broken heart. It just doesnt seem like what a person who likes her, would do.

Respect and Patience is what I really aim for here.

"What about you Taehyung?" She suddenly spoke.

"What about me ?"

"Dont you have a girlfriend ?" She asked with a really cute smile that I have always loved seeing.

Spring Day // Kim Taehyung ( V )Where stories live. Discover now