Chapter 31

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We were now inside the bus waiting for my stop to come. Sarah was so excited that she couldnt stop telling me things about BTS. I now, know a lot about them. Its weird how im the one who lives with them but doesnt know much about them. Sarah knows A LOT and its kinda creepy to me for some reason.

"Oh, its our stop. Come on" I smiled and pulled her along with me.

I have to admit. This is the first time im gonna hang out with Sarah afterschool. We never got the chance to go out together so im pretty excited about this.

She kept clapping and singing BTS songs as we walk to my house. I hate how I find the song so catchy that I wanna sing to it too but I just dont know what the song was. Its really not my type of music.

"We're here" I smiled and she started to grin hugely. She must really be a huge fan huh.

I wonder who her favourite is. Oh wait, why dont I ask. Miss.Smart.

"Whose your bias anyway ?"

"Min yoongi" she smiled proudly.

Min Yoongi ? I have never heared of that person in my whole entire life. Is she sure thats a BTS member ? The only name that I know they had was how they were introduced as. I should really start asking them about it.

"Uh. okay" I still seriously had no idea who that person is but whoever that is. Lucky for you because Sarah loves you.
"Mom? Im home" I yelled out but I got no answer in return.

Hm, she must have went out. I brought Sarah in the living room and told her I would be right back. I headed straight to the kitchen to make some Juice and get some snacks for the both of us.

"Hey" A voice said behind.

I was too busy making the juice and fruit salad which, I decided that I should make since I saw a lot of fruits inside the fridge, so I couldnt bother turning around. I didnt really know who the person was since I didnt pay much attention to the ssound kf the voice.

"Hey" I simply replied.

"You're mom went to Eun Gi's work by the way"

Oh. Now I know who this person was. I suddenly felt the urge to move away from him. I dont wanna be mean to him. I seriously dont. We were starting to have a great friendship but knowing about what he did with Lisa last night. I suddenly felt awkward around him and its an uncomfortable kind of awkward.

"Oh..uh okay, thanks" I replied still not looking at him.

I was finally done with everything and was ready to return to the living room. I tried my best to avoid making any eye contact with him but failed badly. To be kind enough, I gave him a small smile with my head low.

"George about last-"

"Why Lisa out of everyone?" I suddenly blurted out but softly and calm. He looked somehow really surprised by my question. He's probably wondering how I knew about it.

Well Taehyung, she's the one who told me.


"She told me. Just today. And she wanted me to tell you that she had fun last night. Thats all" I kindly smiled before walking out, leaving him dumbfounded.

"And we're ready" I cheered as I place the fruit salad and the Juice on the coffee table.

"Fruit salad looks totes delish" Sarah complimented with a playful tone. I chuckled and gave her a proud smile.

"So what movie ?" I asked as I went to the DVD shelf. "Horror sounds good" she replied.

I love horror !

Spring Day // Kim Taehyung ( V )Where stories live. Discover now