Chapter 30

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Taehyung's POV

"YAH ! WHERE WERE YOU ?!" Jin yelled angrily.

I jumped up as I heared my door slammed opened. I have never seen Jin hyung this angry before. Im really scared.



I stood there in terror as the other members came running to my room as well. I could see the disappointed looks on their faces. Specially Suga hyung, whom, both Jungkook and I decieved last night. Suga hyung suddenly stepped in and calmed Jin hyung down before looking over to me.

"Im sure he has a reason that he will be telling us" Suga hyung smiled and glared at me the moment he said 'will'. I glanced over to Jungkook who had an apologetic look written all over his face.

I couldnt really blame Jungkook. I know it was my fault. I didnt get to control myself last night and I went over board. Its also my fault why Jungkook got in trouble. I should be the one whose sorry.

Everyone went out of my room and left Jungkook and I behind. I brought my hand up to my hair as I sat down in frustration.

"Hyung what happened last night ? We heared you left with..a girl?" He asked and put a hand on my shoulder as he sat down beside me.

I didnt say a word. I sat there silently, trying my best not to cry. I was so stressed out, I was broken hearted, then I got my bestfriend in trouble, then I woke up beside a stranger that happened to be George's Boyfriend's sister and now my whole member is probably killing me inside their heads.

Im so messed up.

"George was worried last night too, you know?" He added and sighed.

George was there too ? She went with them to look for me ? Now I feel even worse. I even bothered her to look for me. How do you think she'll react if she found out that I woke up at her boyfriend's house ?

God Taehyung, you dumbass.

"Does she know that I was with a girl last night too?" I asked with my hand still in my hair and my voice barely audible.

"We all do Hyung"

Im messed up. Im really messed up. Now George is gonna be more distant to me than she already is. Probably also my members. Im done. Im literally done.

Then suddenly I heared my door slammed open again. This time, it was Rapmon hyung. I looked up to see him..not angry.

But worried.

"Taehyung-ah. Are you okay ? What happened and where were you" he asked concerned and kneeled beside me.

"Hyung, im sorry. I didnt know what got into me to do that. Im really sorry" my voice almost cracked. I didnt want to look at him cause I know i'll end up tearing up. Looking at him reminds me of George.

I didnt wanna think about George anymore.

"Its okay. For me atleast, but you still need to explain everything. Jin Hyung is really strict when it comes to this. You know that right ?" I simply nodded and finally calmed myself down. Atleast Namjoon Hyung isnt mad at me.

But I shouldnt be calm in confidence.

Who knows what could happen next ?

George's POV

"Sarah ! I've been looking all over for you" I said and playfully hit Sarah's shoulders. I've been alone almost the whole day because I couldnt find Sarah. I felt so lonely, I haven't seen Jackson either. Strange.

"Sorry, I was in the library finishing my research homework. What's up?" She smiled.

"What's up ? What do you mean what's up. I was basically alone the whole time!" I said and crossed my arms. She giggled and hugged me.

"Where's Jackson ?" She asked and we both headed to the canteen to grab some lunch.

I still wonder where Jackson was. I haven't seen him all day, he wasnt in Art class too. Which is very unusal. He'll never skip Art class because of me.

"I dont know either. He didnt attend Art class" she raised an eyebrow and sat down on our table. I tried to look around hoping i'd find Jackson but he's nowhere to be seen. Where is he ??

"Hey there. Looking for my brother?"

That voice. I hate that voice already.

"What do you want Lisa?" I asked, didnt even dare to look at her. I heared her chuckle and sat beside me. Gosh get the hell away from me.

"Well. He went with my dad to Seoul today. Didnt he tell you ?"

He what ?! He went to Seoul without even texting or calling me ? This is getting really weird. What wrong with Jackson ??

"For how long w-would he uh..stay t-there?" I asked. I could tell she was smirking. I could sense the evilness even if im not looking at her. Thats how much I hate her.

"Tomorrow. Dont worry" she simply replied. She finally stood up and walked away. Thank goodness. I really cant stand her being near me at all. Even though her brother is my boyfriend, I never once tried to get closer to her.

"Oh and by the way, tell your friend Kim Taehyung that I had fun with him last night" and with that she walked away fully.

Kim Taehyung ?

V ?

Slept with her last night ?

Out of all people ? He slept with Lisa ? THE Most cruel little bitch of this school, Lisa ?


Now he has the dirt of the person I hate the most.
I dont mean to judge but why Lisa ? Out of all girls ? Im the one who feels ashamed. Lisa is my Boyfriend's sister and Taehyung is my brother's bestfriend.

Thats just so messed up and awkward.

I literally feel my blood boiling.

"Kim Taehyung ? The Kim Taehyung of BTS is your friend ??" Sarah squealed and changed her seat next to mine. Oh right, ofcourse she knows who Taehyung is. He's Mr.oh so famous guy, remember ? Also the most disgusting one now. For me, atleast.

I still cant believe he touched Lisa.

"No big deal" I bluntly said and rolled my eyes before stuffing a piece of beef in my mouth.

This thing is good.

"What do you mean no big deal ?? I love BTS ! do you even know how big they are in Korea?" She's starting to sound like Angela really. I bet they'll get along really well.

"Ofcourse I know that. Rapmonster is my step brother"

"YOUR WHAT ?!" She yelled and stood up. I pulled her back down with my eyes widened. God this girl could be really loud when she's excited.

"Why didnt you tell me this before ?" She pouted.

"You never asked" I chuckled and stuffed another beef in my mouth.

Seriously, Koreans have really good beefs.

"I wanna come over to your house. Please George" she pleaded and shook me left and right. I almost dropped the coke that I was drinking and the chopstick that I was holding.

"Aish, seriously. Are you that big of a fan ? Fine" I gave up and shook her off of me. She squealed and clapped like a seal before going back to her seat.

Didnt it bothered her knowing that Taehyung slept with our biggest enemy ? Im literally boiling up with anger right now.


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