Chapter 40 - its just a friendly date, dont worry.

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It was an early afternoon and I was preparing myself since today is the day im going out with Taehyung. I dont really consider this as a date, more like a friendly get together. Take it as a thankyou kind of hang out with him. He deserves it anyway.

If you guys are thinking about the girls, They insisted I go with Taehyung today and said they'd be fine. They knew the guys were gonna keep them company the whole time so it really wasnt a problem.

Especially for Angela.

As usual, I wore a simple outfit, a black sweater and a black ripped jeans along with my black and white converse. Black is my lucky color today. Ofcourse, I did a little bit of make up but just a really natural one. I didnt want Taehyung to have the wrong idea that im trying to impress him or something.

Which im really not.

I was finally done and I made my way downstairs, The guys were already here and the girls were already awake

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I was finally done and I made my way downstairs, The guys were already here and the girls were already awake. They had to wake me up and remind me about Taehyung and I's plan. Speaking of that, Taehyung was here with them too. but I haven't seen any of them since I woke up and directly did all the things I had to do.

"Hey guys" I smiled and walked over to everyone. The girls were sitting on the couch with Jungkook And the rest were either on the floor or on the other couch. They were watching Kdrama.

"Wow, did You and Taehyung talked about the dress code ?" Joan chuckled.

Dress code ? Theres a dress code ?


They all gave me a teasing smile and exchanged looks with eachother.

"Oh hey, you're done, I see" I turned to see Taehyung standing by the stairs, looking like he had just got down from Namjoon's room.

Now I understand what they meant about the 'Dress code' thing. Hey, I didnt plan this. I didnt know he and I would have the same mind set. Im completely oblivious to what he was thinking of wearing so please, lets not go on about this.

I stood there with an embarassed smile as I stare at both our outfits, back and forth.
Taehyung's Outfit

I have to admit, Taehyung looks absolutely amazing in those

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I have to admit, Taehyung looks absolutely amazing in those. We all know Taehyung has a weird taste in fashion which in my opinion, isnt really my type. Its good to see him wear something different. He looks good, dead good.

"You guys look cute" Angela teased. I rolled my eyes and pulled Taehyung out the living room before she starts with more teasings.

"You guys take care alright ? Be home early and safe as possible" Namjoon reminded. We both nodded and gave everyone a wave before finally heading out the door.
"Aren't you worried that people might see you with me?" I questioned.

I mean he is an idol after all, I didnt want to risk the chance of people mistakingly see me as 'BTS V's mysterious girl'

"Not really" he candidly replied.

Seriously, I wonder how he gets to be so chill at this kind of situation.

"So, where are we going?" I chimed. I was excited yet, awkward about this.

This is the first time I had an alone time with him. I dont really know how Taehyung is when he's not around the other members. Its quite interesting to find out about how his personality would change without them.

A person always tend to be different when they're around someone else who they're not as familiar with. I know, i've been seeing them almost everyday for the past month. Yeah, we did got close but we always end up being awkward and distant to eachother. out of all the members he's the only one I haven't really quite open up to. Its not that its hard, its just strange.

"Im taking you to a place where your brother would always take me when we go on a brotherly date" he chuckled and winked.

They must be really close huh ? I recently found out that Namjoon cared mostly for Taehyung. A lot more than how he cares for the maknae of the group.

"How gay" I teased and rolled my eyes.

A few minutes of driving we have finally arrived an unfamiliar place. It was a vast facility with a lot of booth stands and colourful designed plants. It was such a mesmerizing place.

A lot of people too.

"This place is beautiful. I can't believe I missed this place out for a whole month !" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Welcome to Ilsan's cultural park" he smiled.

Even the name sounds so pure and clean. So artistic. This place is perfect.

"Where do you wanna have lunch?" He suddenly asked.

Oh speaking of lunch, I felt my stomach grumbled and I swear I almost drooled thinking about food.

"I dont know, surprise me" I smiled. He simply nodded and offered me his forearm.

I was hesitant at first but took it anyway. Its just for today. I didnt wanna make it seem like im uncomfortable about this since what he did yesterday for me was seriously heart warming.
"Food is here!" He cheered excitedly while holding both our trays.

Guess where he took me ? He took me to Mcdonalds. I did felt surprised just like how I asked him to. I didnt mind it though, Its not all the time that you gate to have a date in Mcdonalds right ? Fancy restaurants are to mainstream.

Aim for something new.

"Perfect, im starving" I laughed.

"Didnt expect that you'd have that reaction" he suddenly sounded anxious. I started stuffing french fries in my mouth and gave him a confused look.

"I thought you'd walk straight away the moment we entered mcdonalds" he nervously laughed.

"Are you kidding me ? If it means we're eating. It doesnt really matter where. So stop being such a drama queen and eat already" I laughed and started biting on my burger.

"Its drama king"


God, I haven't had Mcdonalds in a long time. I just realized. I almost forgot how perfect their french fries tasted. Thank goodness he decided to take me here, i've been craving for fries.

"Careful when you eat, you might choke" he joked as he watched me eat all the food without even looking like I was swallowing at all.

I rolled my eyes and ignored his warning, which, I immediately regretted since I felt a huge lump on my throat that almost caused me to choke. I quickly grabbed my drink and gulped it down desperately. He gave me an 'I told you so' look and started laughing lightly at me.


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