Chapter 26 - will you be my...

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I feel very tired for some reason and I dont even wanna get up. Unfortunately, I have to. Its school day. I groaned as I sat up. My body hurts so bad specially my legs. I grabbed my phone to check my social medias since I haven't been able to update my fans or the girls.

A smile started to form my lips as I saw a notification in twitter that Jackson had mentioned me to one of his tweets. I immediately pressed it and my smile grew even bigger as I saw what his post was.

'Throwback to last saturday. Totally had the best date with the most beautiful girl ever. See you later babe x @GeorgeRoque'

 See you later babe x @GeorgeRoque'

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Awe. Oh my god. I can feel my eyes tearing up.

I didnt know Jackson took a picture of me when we went to that place. No wonder he was smiling while looking at his phone.

That sneaky little Cutie.

I wanna cry from happiness right now. This is just too sweet. Oh god, Im so lucky to have him. We're not even an official couple yet, he's this sweet. What more if we actually are ?

I quickly liked his tweet and retweeted it before standing up to get ready for school.

Im finally seeing Jackson after 2 days !
Today, I dressed according to my mood. I feel fresh, happy and extra bloomy so I wore my favourite color, Blue.

 I feel fresh, happy and extra bloomy so I wore my favourite color, Blue

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Not too stylish, but pretty and simple. Shows off my personality.

Perfect !

I went down and waited for my mom to finish getting ready and sat down beside Namjoon on the couch. since I got a little excited, I was pretty early than usual.

"Goodmorning Sis" he smiled.

"Goodmorning Bro" I laughed.

We both had gotten a lot closer right after our 'pep' talk. He's a really great person and I cant believe I missed out on him for almost a month. But now im glad that I changed that.

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