Chapter 37

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We all sat inside the living room awkwardly with all 7 members of the so called 'most famous' Kpop group, BTS, eyeing us. It was uncomfortable yet it brought excitement to me. Angela and Michelle could probably be dying right now since Their idols are breathing the same akr as them. Many girls would die to be in our spot right now.

"So uh..where's Aunt Ane and George ?" I asked finally breaking the awkward silence. I cant stand being in a place thats full of discomfiture.

"Aunt Ane is on her way back and uh George went out with her boyfriend" Rapmonster explained. Sounding pretty confused with the whole situation.

Boyfriend ? Was he talking about Jackson ? I thought she'd take it slow ? She never mentioned the boyfriend thing.

I can tell all of them were still confused as to why we're here. It is pretty surprising though, we cant really blame them. We only told Taehyung but he didnt look as comfortable either. Probably because of how Angela and michelle are eyeing him like they wanna eat him so badly.

That came out so wrong, I am so sorry.

" George gonna be back soon?" I asked again. Trying my best to smile without showing any uneasiness but somewhat failed.

"We actually really dont know, we were surprised that Jackson picked her up an hour ago. We didnt think she'd be out today" Rapmonster explained again and glanced over to Taehyung, hoping to get some answers.

"I thought you guys wanted to surprise her." He defensively said and shrugged.

"And Joan Noona told me they'd be arriving today, and yesterday I found out its her birthday so I thought its best for her to not know about Joan Noona coming..along with Michelle and Angel, it'll be more surprising, I guess." Taehyung added and awkwardly smiled at both Michelle and Angela. His voice slowly lowering down the moment he mentioned the two girls who are now giving out nervous laughs.

Wait, did he just call me noona ? Whatever does that mean, it doesnt sound right.

"Its Angela, by the way" Angela awkwardly chimed in making the poor boy blush in embarassment. He could've got it right, he just missed the other 'a'.

I quickly took my phone out and searched for the word noona out of curiousity. I didnt wanna seem like a person who doesnt know basic Korean, for a person who watches a lot of Kdrama, I wasnt a great listener. I lowkey searched for noona and was probably surprised at what I read. He just called me big sister. Can I fully say that I feel old now ?

"So you're Joan Noona? George's other member in her group called..what was that again?" I believe the Jung something guys said. I forgot what his name was, wasnt really paying attention to Angela earlier.

For god sake, stop calling me noona it sound so discomforting.

"Its Dreamscape and please, Just call me by my name. Its fine really" I kindly smiled. I looked over at the two who seemed to be enjoying hearing the guys call me Noona.

"Alright Noona" he smiled once again. Angela and Michelle let out a snort and tried their best not to laugh. I gave them a glare and let out a soft sigh before giving him a small smile. Ugh George please come faster.

George's POV

"Jackson, where are you taking me ?" I laughed and tried not to trip over as he was covering my eyes.

I was surprise he picked me up early in the morning today, also because the guys came earlier than usual. I noticed Taehyung not being there though. Which is very unusual.

"Hang on a little babe, we're close" he whispered.

"Okay, are you ready?" He asked. A huge smile was formed on my lips. I simply nodded and bit my lower lip as I was nervous yet, excited to what I was gonna encounter the moment I flatter my eyes open.

He slowly move his hands away from my eyes and stood patiently beside me allowing me to get my visions clearer. I gasped as I saw what was before my eyes. It was so beautiful and daring, I felt like I was in tears just by looking at it. The beautiful flowers complimented the blueness of the sky. A table and two chairs were placed under this tunnel which was sorrounded by leaves and a tad bit of flowers. The view is simply breath taking that I almost forgot how to breath. I turned around and gave Jackson a tight hug, I have never met a guy who would do this for me. I felt very special and loved. Something I haven't felt for awhile now.

"Happy Birthday baby" he whispered in my ears as he hugged me back tightly. I slowly pulled away and wiped the tears that were continuously pouring down my cheeks.

"How did you know?" I asked, surprised. I never really mentioned about my birthday to him.

"Eh, I have my resources" he winked. I playfully slapped his chest and chuckled before pulling him into another hug.

"This place is beautiful Jackson, Thankyou"

"Anything for my queen" we both pulled away and stared at eachother for a good second.

Man, Im so blessed to have this guy in my life. He's the first guy that ever made me feel so wanted and worthy, I never thought I could be loved this much by one person. I always thought I needed more than just a person to make me feel my worth but I thought wrong, I cant believe how only one Jackson, could make me feel like im being loved by thousands. The loneliness that I felt from leaving my friends back in the U.S. suddenly disappeared. Ofcourse I miss them, and I still wished they were here with me and witnessing this beautiful moment.

Our faces were slowly nearing eachother to the point that we both felt one anothers breathings, he leaned in further and I did the same. Butterflies in my stomach went crazy as I moved my lips along with his. The kiss that I knew I would never wanna pull away from, the love and care that was felt in the kiss was taking both our breaths away. The kiss that I always crave for whenever he's away from me. Our kiss, our passionate kiss.

We both slowly pulled away and rested our foreheads on eachother's. We smiled and hugged eachother tighter. I love this man, very much.

"Shall we start our date then ?" He smiled and lend out a hand. I quickly accepted it and we both walked towards the table.

Best date ever.

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