Chapter 39 - go out with me

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The party had ended an hour ago and we were now cleaning up the backyard with the help of the boys. Jackson had to go since his mom was looking for him. Even so, I was glad that he finally met the girls and they pretty much got along well with eachother. I was surprised that even Taehyung and Suga got a little closer to Jackson and ofcourse as expected the girls got closer to the members with a short amount of time. I told you, they were unlike me. They were friendly and were very easy to get along with. It took me a week to create a decent conversation with either one of them, but they made it seem so easy and quick. My girls never fails to impress me.

"Happy Birthday George, sorry I didnt get to catch up with the party" I turned to see Eun Gi carrying a paper bag in his hand.

"Its okay" I kindly smiled and gave him a hug.

"Here I got you this, Happy birthday again, sweetheart" he smiled gave kissed my temple.

I suddenly felt like I was in tears. It felt like I was in my dad's arms once again. I know I told you guys that I would try to accept that he is my father now, i've been trying, Really. Its just that, he's really busy with work that he seldomly spends time with us. Which is okay, because he always makes it up to us. That is what a real father would do, rigt ? Im slowly starting to open my heart up to him. That is a good thing, right ?

"Thankyou..Eun Gi" I smiled and hugged him again. He gave me a chuckle in return and pat my head before pulling away and heading to where my mom was.

"So, finally finding a soft spot for the step father huh?" Joan abruptly blurted out. I rolled my eyes and faced my back to her.

"I just thought that maybe if I try to open up to them, everything would be easier."

"That the right thing to do George. Besides, they aren't so bad" she reassured.

God, I missed this girl. This is what I need.

The rest of the girls joined our conversation later on.

"By the way, how did you guys get here?" I asked confusedly.

No one really knew about their little visit here in Korea. I was surprised that even my mom didnt know, so did the boys. When I asked them, they all had the same reaction. So did Jackson. So thats really whats intriguing me.

"Its Taehyung. He picked us up at the airport. He was the one who planned all this." She smiled and looked over at Taehyung who looked really tired while laying his head back on the couch.

All my revulsion towards him, disappeared into thin air the moment I found out that he was the one who did all this. I felt bad and guilty, straightaway. I cant believe he still chose to do this after I acted like an asshole to him these past few days. I cant believe after trying to avoid him, he'd still do this for me. For my birthday. He took care of my girls and brought them in safely. Theres nothing that I cant thank him for, more.

"We actually asked him to take you out today and keep you busy since we would be arriving today, but, he said you guys aren't in good terms so I guess thats why Jackson was the one that asked you out today." Michelle added.

So Taehyung was the one that Jackson has been talking to since yesterday? He lied to me? Oh who cares, it doesnt even matter anymore. Im just so astonished about Taehyung putting a lot of efforts into this even though he knew I felt uncomfortable around him.

But the real question is? Why? Why would he do all this? Is it because he felt bad about sleeping with the person I despised the most?

"He's a really nice guy. Whatever it is that you guys fought about or whatever? forget it. I wouldnt wanna miss out on a friend like him" Joan smiled before taking a sip of her coke. The two other girls, meaning Angela and Michelle. Nodded along with Joan's statement, agreeingly.

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