Chapter 18

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Waking up today was like waking up in a movie. I felt great and fresh. I felt like I wanted to sing the moment I flattered my eyes open.

I wish all my mornings were this jolly.

I wish all my mornings, I felt love.

I did my usual morning routine and headed downstairs. Im surprisingly fast today. Was it because I knew Jackson's going to pick me up?

Ofcourse It is about that. Just thinking about it makes me wanna jump out of happiness.

I entered the kitchen and I saw my mom all dressed up, preparing breakfast for the boys.

I smiled and admired how hard working my mom was by taking care of all 8 people at the same time.

Like hell, that shit's tough.

"Goodmorning momma" I sang and kissed her cheeks.

Its a sign of comfort. I know my mom's tired. Eun Gi doesnt get to be around much since he's a really busy man. So my mom does everything here most of the time.

"Woke up on the right side of the bed again, I suppose" she replied and hugged her from the back.

I didnt just woke up on the right side of the bed. It was a lot more than just waking up. I actually feel like im in a dream. A dream that was too realistic.

"Are you done? just wait i'll be done here and then we can go" my mom said while flipping the pancakes.


I forgot to mention about Jackson picking me up today. I bet he'll be here in a minute.

"Actually mom I-"

"Ah..George ? Jackson's outside. Should I invite him in?" Namjoon mentioned with his head slightly peeking through the kitchen.

See ? My girl senses never lies. Perfect timing Jackson.

"Yes, please do" my mom answered and gave me an 'give-me-an-explanation' look

She didnt look mad though.

"Well, What im trying to say I wont be going to school with you today. Jackson and I will be going together" I smiled, nervously.

Hoping she wouldnt nag at me.

"You and that Jackson guy seem to be getting a lot closer huh. Wanna tell me something?" She said nudging me with a smirk.

Oh mom.


"Mom!" I said through gritted teeth as I felt Jackson's figure nearing us.

"Goodmorning Aunt Ane" he greeted.

"Goodmorning Jackson. Please be safe on your way to school." She greeted back and gave Jackson a hug.

"We will" he replied and glanced at me with a very handsome smile.

Gosh, I love it when he does that.

"Bye mom. See you later"

I kissed her cheeks and waved goodbye to the rest of the guys. Namjoon and Jin gave me a wink before I exited while J-hope and Jimin hugged eachother to mock us. I gave them a friendly death glare and tried my best not to laugh.

'Such a tease' I laughed.

However, Jungkook and Suga didnt seem to care about it and just gave me a wave and a smile. And Taehyung

He didnt even try to catch a glimpse.

Thats weird, he's usually the first one to greet me.


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