Chapter 33 - the past.

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Namjoon's POV (finally a different person)

I stared at Taehyung as he slept silently. It sounds creepy, weird and gay but Taehyung has been the person that I care for, a lot. ever since I first met him when were still trainees. I usually take care of him to make sure he doesnt get hurt both Emotionally and Physically. Seeing him cry about my sister pained me so much. I knew he liked George. But I didnt know why he kept it in for so long.

I know I couldnt help him get George.

George and I's relationship had improved over the month but it doesnt mean I had the right to tell her what to feel or what to do. I couldnt tell Tae to forget his feelings too because...

I know how it feels to love someone even if that person doesnt love me back..

No, Im not talking about any girl..


"Eomma, Are you leaving Appa and I?" I cried as I hugged my mother, preventing her to reach the door.

She stopped and kneeled down making me face her. I looked at her straight in the eyes and saw no signs of sympathy or love.

She was cold and her eyes were pitch black.

"Namjoon listen to me. Your father and I dont love eachother anymore." She said coldly with her hands cupping my face.

It wasnt true. I saw how my father cried for her every night whenever they argued. I saw how my father tried to beg her back when she decided to have an annulment with him.

"Thats not true eomma. Appa loves you very much. Its you who doesnt love him." I yelled as tears continued pouring.

I was shocked by her reaction. She had never done anything to hurt me before but now she did. She slapped me across the face without a single tear pouring down her eyes.

"You're right, I dont love your father anymore. I love someone else. Someone who does what he promised. Your father doesnt even have a job. He doesnt have enough expenses to feed us..I sacrificed a lot for your dad, I left my future for him. Now that I found somebody else that could give me the life that I deserve, Im going to take the chance." This time tears started pouring down her cheeks. Not because she was hurt

But because of regret.

Regret of ever having us as her family.

She said no more words and stood back up on her feet. She didnt even hesitate and just left me standing there with my heart, broken. With my dad heartbroken. I called her name for who knows how many times, but she didnt even tried looking back once. A car pulled up infront of our gate. It was a guy. The guy that she mentioned, whom she fell inlove with because of his wealth.

I ran back to our small, broken and dead house and saw my dad with a cigarette and a bottle of beer in his hands.

He had never looked so desolated before.

"She's gone isnt she?.." he said in a cracked voice without even glancing at me.

I ran to him as quickly as I could and cried onto him. He hugged me back tightly and rested his chin on my head, crying away the pain as well. I hate seeing my dad hurt.

"Im sorry son.."

End of flashback*

My father wasnt the richest guy. We weren't even close to being an average family. We had a small house that was built by my father back when they were just planning to get married. He looked for jobs but failed numerous times. He had a job once but our luck wont cooperate so he would often get fired. My mom began feeling hopeless so she would fight with my dad every night. I would always eavesdrop on their conversation and I can always hear my mom saying one thing all the time

'You're just a worthless guy who makes wrong decisions all the time and doesnt have any ambitions in life'

From then on, I worked so hard in school. My dad would find some jobs but not permanent ones. He did everything just for me to continue my studies.

Until, I found my passion in rap. I gave my whole time in rap that I would even gamble for it. I wouldnt go to school and head straight to a studio where rappers do some rap battles. I would often lose and go home. My dad found out about my gambling habits and I saw how disappointed he looked. It made me open my eyes.

'I shouldnt be doing this'

'I shouldnt waste my fathers effort just to watch me succeed'

One of my friend that I met back when I got addicted to gambling, called me and told me about the auditions for Bighit. I was hesitant at first. I knew my father wouldnt support me in my Rapping career. He wanted me to be a successful businessman since that was really his dream. He couldnt achieve it for himself so he decided to make me achieve it.

I was happy, I enjoyed studying business in college. But I grew up and realized there were more things that I wanted to do rather than just wasting my time sitting on a chair with a pile of paperworks infront of me. So I did it. I auditioned for Bighits.

My dad got so upset that he didnt talk to me for a week but being the same old Father, he didnt last long and ended up supporting me for my decision.

Look where it got me.

Now im here, Successful. I managed to buy my dad a huge house and a nice car. Everything that he had done to me has finally paid off..

But that wasnt enough to keep him happy.

We were still a broken family..

But ever since my dad had found a job in the U.S. he became hardworking. That's the time he met aunt Ane. He changed so much, he was once again, Happy. Which is why, im really thankful for having them in our life. Because of them, My father became the man that he once was.

They brought back the happiness that my dad had lost years ago.

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