Chapter 32

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Im once again walking in school, alone. I haven't seen Sarah nor Jackson at all. Its starting to really piss me off, Lisa said he would be back tomorrow, which is today. So where is he ? He didnt even call or text me at all yesterday. Even today. Im starting to have a bad feeling seriously.


"George!" I heared the familiar voice called. Finally Sarah !

"Again, Sarah. Where were you !?" I asked rolling my eyes and declining her hug. Im not in a good mood today.

"Sorry, Mr.Lee kept the class for overtime" she pouted. I rolled my eyes and she linked arms with me. We were on our way to the canteen to grab some lunch again.

Still no sign of Jackson.

Okay then thats how its gonna be now ? Fine then.

"Babe !" I turned to see Jackson running to me. I quickly ignored him and pulled Sarah harshly so we could go faster. I can still hear Jackson calling my name and catching up with me but I didnt stop.

I was mad at him.

We finally reached the canteen and while choosing my food, Jackson kept interrupting me and kept trying to get my attention but failed. I didnt wanna talk to him. Just like how he didnt bother informing me about his little 'trip' to Seoul yesterday. Sarah kept nudging me and telling me to talk to Jackson but I ignored her words too. I found us a seat and sat quietly with Jackson still trailing behind.

" to me" he sighed and made me face him. I still didnt look at him. I kept chewing on my food and scrolling through my phone.

He took my phone away and cupped my face. "Babe..please ? Let me explain" I sighed as a sign of defeat. I couldnt let pride control me right now. This is Jackson, The love of my life.

"Fine" I scoffed and took his hands off of my face.

"Explain why you didnt mention about your little trip to Seoul" I rolled my eyes and took another bite of my food.

"Babe, I know I was wrong, I was gonna tell you about it but I couldnt. my dad wouldnt even let me look at the time on my phone." He explained and held my hand making me face him once again. I just stared at him blankly.

I trust him. I really do. Im just upset about how I felt really worried yesterday that I couldnt even sleep properly. I hate worrying too much.

"I believe you's just, you kept me up all night. I was so worried" I said with my head low. He lifted my chin up with two fingers and kissed my forehead.

"Im sorry princess, I promise it wont happen again" he whispered before giving me another kiss on the cheek. I nodded and gave him a peck.

"Hello? Respect for the single one here please" we both looked over to Sarah who was rolling her eyes while stuffing some rice on her mouth. We both chuckled and started to eat our own food too.

"Oh babe by the way, yesterday morning..Taehyung was in our house. Did he tell you that?" He suddenly blurted out.

Oh no, he saw Taehyung ? I feel even more ashamed now. I feel ashamed for him. I dont know why, but sometimes when a close friend of yours does something that isnt really good you start to feel bad for them and yourself. Basically, I was embarassed for him. Jackson is my boyfriend you know ?

Its hard to put in words but I bet you guys have had those times before, right ?

"Oh, I haven't heared about that" I lied. Both Sarah and I exchanged look as we both knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Are they dating?" He asked.

"I dont know, he doesnt really tell me things" I bluntly said.

"If ever he is, goodluck to him. I dont think he'll be having a great time" he chuckled.

I couldnt agree more babe.


I laid in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. I feel even more dead than I should. Jin Hyung was still mad at me and George wont talk to me. Lisa told her about what happened last last night. She hates me even more now. I dont know what's going on between Lisa and George but she seemed disappointed about what Lisa told her. The way she looked into my eyes when she asked why Lisa out of all girls, She looked so distant and..I dont know, Disgusted ?

I couldnt blame her. Even I was disgusted. She was a complete stranger yet I still went with her and..made out with her.

Ugh what was I thinking ?!

The worst part was, Lisa was Jackson's sister and Jackson is George's boyfriend.

I really need to get things off my chest. Not drinking like before, screw that. I know only one person that can help me. I think its also time I open up to him.
I took my phone out and dialed the number.

"Namjoon Hyung? you have time?"


"Taehyung, whats wrong ?" Namjoon asked concernly the moment we both entered his room.

"I have to tell you something hyung..I dont know if you'll understand but I just need you to listen" I said with my head low as I sat down on his bed.

"Im all ears" He sat down beside me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"I like George, Hyung..a lot" I said without hesitation. I couldnt keep it in anymore.

He deserves to know.

Its his sister.

He didnt say anything and continued patting my back as I bring my hands to my hair.

"The reason I drank was because of her. Because I saw her saw happy with Jackson. It was my fault hyung, I expected. I know I shouldnt have But I did, I couldnt help myself. My feelings just kept growing. Its been a month Hyung and I dont know what to do. I cant seem to take the pain away. And I-"

I stopped as tears started to roll down my cheeks. Namjoon Hyung still didnt say a word to me. He just sat beside me quietly and was listenting to me just like what he said he'd do. This is the reason why Namjoon Hyung is the only person I open up to.

"And I..I did a horrible mistake. Jin Hyung wouldnt talk to me nor George..because George found out that I slept with..Lisa. I dont know why she started being so distant once she found that out." I continued. I felt Namjoon Hyung's hand leave my shoulders and I looked up to see his shocked expression.

"Taehyung ? you remember George's first day in college ?" He asked.

"Yeah..when she went home crying ?"

"Lisa was the reason. She humiliated George infront of the whole school. It was her first day Taehyung. FIRST day." He said with a disappointed look.

Now I understand. She despises Lisa a lot because of what she did. Im messed up. She hates me because she thinks I slept with the person she hates. She thinks I betrayed her. But I didnt know, didnt I ? If I did I wouldnt have gone out with her that night. I know, its no excuse. Im still at fault.

But I didnt sleep with her. Lisa told me we didnt do anything know what that is.

"But hyung..I didnt do anything with her. Lisa was the one who told me that we didnt do anything that night" I justified.

"I know you wouldnt go that far Taehyung. Just give George a little time. Do you want me to talk to her?" I shook my head no and situated myself on his bed.

"Araseo. You should rest here first. You need it. I'll tell the guys that they dont have to come today. Lets have a day off from song making okay ?" He smiled and switched off the light before shutting the door leaving me dumbfounded on his bed.

Without even realizing it, I had passed out.

Spring Day // Kim Taehyung ( V )Where stories live. Discover now