Chapter 44 - Help me get over

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Taehyung's POV

The boys and I sat in silence, still thinking about what might have caused George's broken heart. It seems like we're over reacting but we care about George a lot. We all treated her like our little princess. Well my Princess. And since she's Namjoon Hyung's little sister, its also our job to keep her safe.

"Do you guys think its Jackson?" Namjoon Hyung suddenly asked.

We all were thinking the same thing. We all think it's Jackson. Who else could she cry that hard for ?

We all heared a door closed and finally saw the four girls heading downstairs. George looked so down and weak. She didnt look like the George we all knew.

She was so...dead.

Jungkook stood up to where he was seated and sat next to me to leave a space for George to sit. Joan lead her to seat down beside Namjoon Hyung.

"Mind telling your big brother what happened?" Namjoon smiled, comfortingly.

"You guys probably know it already" she weakly smiled and rested her head on him.

"I knew it" Suga mumbled.

"What did he do ?" I said through gritted teeth. I didnt made it look so obvious that I was starting to get really furious.

"He dumped me, that's all" she sarcastically laughed with a tissue on her hand.

"Dump ? You ? Why ?" Jin Hyung asked this time.

"No I-Idea.." she replied and started tearing up again.

Its so unbareable to see George in so much pain. Im used to seeing George looking all happy.

Not this George.

"Do you want me to talk to him ?" Namjoon Hyung sighed.

"There's no point" I snapped.

All heads turned to my direction with both shocked and confused expression.

"I said there's no point, why would we want George to get back with the same person who caused her this much pain and probably take the risk of it, happening again"

The room went silent, some were nodding and some were just staring at George blankly while she looked at me in the eye. I quickly took my eyes off of her and looked somewhere else. I didnt wanna see her hurt expression, Nor did I want her to see through me and see the real reason to why I didnt want her to get back woth Jackson.


"No Namjoon, he's right.." she weakly said. I looked back up to her and she was smiling at me. A weak but a real smile.
George's POV

'I said there's no point, why would we want George to get back with the same person who caused her this much pain and probably take the risk of it, happening again.'

Those words kept repeating in my head as I brought the cup of hot chocolate up to my lips, taking a sip to warm myself up a little bit more. I was left alone by the girls since they went Grocery shopping with the hyungs and I was left with the maknaes. They were inside the living room playing video games, while I stay in the front porch, enjoying the view of the rainfall.

"Feeling better?" I turned to see a smiling Taehyung with a concerned eye at the same time.

"I guess, a little" I weakly smiled.

No I wasnt feeling better, my eyes are still swollen and tearing up. I would never be better and I still wasnt the talking type of person today, I just want to stay quiet and alone but when Taehyung is the one who walks in on me, I just let him be. Maybe because he a bestfriend to me.

"Its cold in here, I brought you a blanket" He said and wrapped the blanket around my shoulders.

"You didnt have to, you know ?"

"I reckon you wanted to be alone and not be bothered so I just brought a comforter to warm you up" he smiled.

I looked at him in awe. Taehyung is a sweet guy, he always know how to make me feel better. He's been showing me this side of him ever since we talked. I couldnt see the Taehyung that I once disliked, The person I wanted to be away from almost everyday. All he does is annoy the hell out of me but now ? His presence is what I needed the most at the moment.

"Well, stay warm okay ? I'll give you some time alone" he smiled and turned his back on me.

"No wait.."


"Stay here..please?"

He gave me a soft chuckle and slowly made his way beside me. We sat there silent for a while, both enjoying the rainfall. How the stars and moon disappeared as the heavy clouds veil them.

"Its so unlike you to ask this kind of favour. Especially from me" he laughed.

I gave him a weak chuckle and took another sip of my hot chocolate.

"I know, I just...-"

"You dont have to say anything back you can just Cry if you want to."

I turned to him and looked deeply in his eyes. He looked very serious and concerned. I know they were all worried for me but Taehyung..he gives me a different feeling. I just cant point it out.


I know I could trust him.

I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder while I allow my tears to freely escape my eyes.

Im really hurt.

I love Jackson. Oh god, I love him so much.

I cant believe Jackson is not mine anymore.

How can this happen so fast ?

I never imagined myself waking up one day and not being able to hold Jackson's hand, feel his warm hugs, have Jackson's lips pressed against mine, hear Jackson's I love you's.

How will I be able to face tomorrow ? Jackson has always been my strength to wake up and start a new day. He has always been the one who kept me distracted from things that could probably ruin my mood. Now, my life is a finished book. It ended and I didnt know if I could still continue.

No, I wasnt complete.

I will never feel complete.

But my story is done. Our story is done.

Jackson and I. We're both done.

No, he's done.

Im not done. I dont think I would be able to accept that we're done. How can you easily say you love someone when you accept the fact that you cant be together anymore, so easily ?

Thats not love.

Jackson..doesnt love me.

Its hard to accept it. I dont want to accept it...but its the truth. How could you easily give up the word 'us' if you love the person ?

Im going crazy. I want him back. I want Jackson back.

"Taehyung.." I silently cried.


" me get over...I dont know If I could ever do it.."

"I will George, I will."

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