Chapter 36 - The arrival.

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Taehyung's POV

Its today. Its George's birthday. Everyone came to Namjoon's place earlier than usual. George was still asleep and most probably wont be awake for the next hour. They all held their gifts for George while I sat next to a confused Jungkook who shot me a weird look.


"Dont you have something to give George?" He asked with his brows furrowing.

"I do. Probably better than what you will" I laughed. He was still confused at my answer since he doesnt see anything in my hands or bag. He didnt know about Joan and the other girls coming.

Speaking of that. I need to go there before they arrive. Its already 7:00 and they'll be landing in an hour. Yes, I am late. I quickly stood up from the couch and made my way to the door.

"Yah, Taehyung. Where are you going ?" Jin yelled from the living room.

"Getting George's gift" I simply replied back and shut the door behind me, ignoring Jin Hyung who called out my name a few times.


Joan's POV

We'll be landing in Korea in just a few minutes ! I cant believe we're actually almost there ! Im starting to wonder who'll pick us up. We didnt really tell anyone about our trip to korea except Taehyung. I dont think he'll be turning up to pick us up like that right ? I mean he is an Idol after all. Getting caught for us is too much of a risk. I dont think he'd be down for that.

"Who do you think will pick us up?" Angela asked worriedly.

Neither do I know Angela.

"We should've just told George about it. We're screwed ! We dont even know where they live ! How could we be so stupid" Michelle facepalmed herself.

"And I know for a fact that Taehyung wont pick us up!" She added.

"Guys, calm down. I bet Taehyung asked someone to pick us up. Afterall, he knows about it" I reassuringly said.

Even though god knows even I wasnt sure if he really did. Hope is probably our one and only bestfriend for now.

"I hope" Angela calmly said and laid her head back.

Me too angela, me too.
We have finally exited the plane and was now walking towards the arrival gate.

Gate A

Gate A

Gate A

Found it !

The three of us held our breaths until we finally stepped at the arrival gate. We all felt nervous but excited at the same time. Nervous that we might end up getting super lost and Excited because we were finally going to see George again. Or BTS members in Angela's case.

"Joan over here!" An unfamiliar deep voiced man yelled. The girls and I exchanged looks and looked around for the unknown voice, only to land on a weird looking guy with glasses that held up a sign 'Joan and Friends'

Really? Joan and Friends? Really?

We all walked towards the man and held on tight on our luggages. Nervous about what we might end up getting ourselves into.

"Welcome to Korea girls." He smiled.

Okay, I didnt mean to judge. He didnt look nice at the first sight okay ?

"Uh..who are you?" Michelle snapped rudely, unintentionally. Which was surprising since she really didnt have that type of impression on anyone.

"Oh sorry, im the driver of George's step father. I came to pick you up" he said in a funny accent, struggling. I tried my best not to let out a laugh since I knew he actually did put some efforts on that. Im sorry.

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