Chapter 45 - closer

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'I said there's no point, why would we want George to get back with the same person who caused her this much pain and probably take the risk of it, happening again.'

It's true, why would they want me to get back with the person that hurted me ? Oh, thats right. Because I love him and they all are understanding enough to know that. I know Taehyung was mad, he was mad because Jackson hurted me. But why ? I mean yeah..Everyone was surprised about the news but they didnt hate on Jackson as much as Taehyung did.

'Especially Taehyung who cares for you a lot.'

I cant stop thinking about those lines. Its not a big deal, I know. But theres a part of me that felt different about those words. I couldnt point it out. Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung. The girls always mention Taehyung to me and I dont even know why. They kept making me appreciate Taehyung's presence, which I do, dont get me wrong but why ? They know I already do. Why keep forcing it in ?

"G you okay ?" Joan asked shaking my shoulders.

"Yeah..just thinking."

"G, you need to stop thinking about him." Joan sighed.

The girls and I were the only ones at home today, the boys went somewhere. They didnt bother telling us where since they left really early in the morning. So we have the house only to ourselves. Perfect time to release my depression. I needed this. I need a girl time.

"I wasnt, Joan. I was thinking about Taehyung" I weakly smiled.

Joan, Michelle and Angela exchanged looks and had an unexplainable smile on their faces. I shot them all a confused look but they just smiled it off like nothing just happened.

"Why think about him ?" Angela grinned.

"I was just thinking about what he said yesterday.."


"Taehyung.." I silently cried.


" me get over...I dont know If I could ever do it.."

"I will George, I will." He smiled and wrapped both his arms around me.

I didnt feel the warmth that I felt whenever Jackson was the one hugging me. But I didnt hate this feeling, I felt comforted and safe.

I slowly sat back up and chuckled at myself for asking such a weird favour.

"What's wrong ?" He frowned

"Its stupid" I softly chuckled, sounding hopeless.

"What is?"

"Asking you to help me move on." I said biting my lower lip.

"How is it stupid ? Because you're not certain that I can really help ?" He said and smiled weakly with his brows furrowing.


"I will, George and I can. Trust me" he bluntly said and looked deeply in my eyes.

Spring Day // Kim Taehyung ( V )Where stories live. Discover now