Chapter 38 - The surprise

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Joan's POV

"Pink, George loves pink so I think this one is better" I said and pointed to the pink table cloth that, Im not sure if this is Jimin or Jungkook, held up.

He nodded and quickly wrapped it around the table. I took the cake from the fridge and placed it on the middle along with their gifts. Taehyung ang Namjoon hanged up the word 'Happy Birthday' while Jin and I believe Suga and J-hope ? Im still confused im sorry, Blew the letter balloons that says George. While the two other girls helped Mrs.Roque with the food.

"Jin and Joan ? A little help here please" Mrs.Roque called out. Jin was done with the balloons so he slowly stood up and smiled at me before heading to the kitchen.

"What can we do Aunt Ane?" Jin smiled.

"George loves Japchae but I havent got the chance to learn how to make one, you know it right ?" She smiled. Jin held up his thumbs and nodded sweetly to Mrs.Roque.

"What can I do ?" I asked with a smile.

"You dont mind helping Jin right ? Since you both are good cooks" she smiled and exchanged looks with Jin. I nodded and smiled over to Jin before Mrs.Roque left us. We both made our way to the fridge and looked for the ingredients that are needed.

"Help me cut the onions, scallions and mushrooms, I'll go straight for the noodles" he instructed. I nodded and grabbed the onion, scallion and mushrooms and a knife before getting my work done.
"Great Job, this taste absolutely amazing" I complimented and gave him a highfived. He gave me a proud smile and we both chuckled. He picked up the bowl and placed it on the table along with the other food.

Everyone else was done with their own tasks as well and we all stood in the middle giving ourselves a pat on the back for accomplishing everything perfectly. Now the only thing that was missing is George. Speaking of that, where is she and Jackson ?

"So wheres George ?" I asked. Taehyung quickly took his phone out and dialed Jacksons number
He exited the room and came back after a few minutes with an unexplainable look on his phone.

"They're one their way back. Should we turn all the lights off?" Taehyung smiled. I nodded and he started switching off every lights in the house.

Since George and Jackson wont be home until the next 10 minutes we all decided to just relax first and get to know a little bit of eachother.

"Im so glad that you guys came here ! How did you know where we live?" Aunt Ane asked and gave each one of us a welcoming hug.

"Well, we really didnt tell anyone about this except V." Michelle answered and smiled over to Taehyung.

"Oh I see. Well Taehyung Thankyou for bringing the girls safe" she said and patted him on the shoulder. He gave her a warm smile in return with a nod, Before leaving all of us to head back to the kitchen to do a little cleaning.

"So, you planned all this surprise huh?" I smirked.

"All of us did remember?" He nervously smiled.

"They weren't planning to really surprise her this way you know. They didnt even know about George getting picked up by Jackson" I teased.

I was assuming he felt something for George, the way he would scold Jungkook and Jimin whenever they weren't doing things right or isn't doing anything at all. Im just getting him to admit it.

"Please, this is how exactly it would've went anyway" He defended and shrugged. I saw him smile in the corner of my eyes but tried to hide it. I still noticed it though, he's bad at acting.

"Girl ! I was so jealous back there" Angela whispered while playfully hitting my arms. Michelle and I exchanged looks and smiled to eachother.

"I cant believe you cooked with Jin. My Seokjin" she whispered lower this time. She didnt want to risk Jin hearing her constant whining about how I got to cook with him.

"Its just cooking Angela" I rolled my eyes. "Still"

"Guys, Jackson texted. They're near" everyone started running to places and hid on something so George would think that house is empty.

George's POV

Jackson pulled up infront of our house and we both got out. I felt weird as I saw how dark the house was usually, there'd be lights that are on but today, its all switched off. We continued walking and reached the front door, I quickly pressed on the doorbell but no one opened it. I pressed it more times but no one seemed to be at home. I hurriedly dialed my moms number but she didnt answer it either.

"No ones home." I said annoyed.

"Oh.." he simply replied and twisted the doorknob. To my surprise, the door wasn't locked. Which, is pretty stupid if they were to go out. Someone could barge in you know? How not smart of them.

I went inside promptly and called out Namjoon and Mom's name for god knows how many times but recieved no response. Its weird, something isnt right. I dont think they'll leave the door unlocked like that.

Unless !

Someone must've broke in already ! I quickly grabbed the object that I once used to hit Namjoon the first time I met him and went upstairs to check the rooms one by one. Unfortunately, I found no one.

"Babe? I think theres someone in the Backyard" Jackson yelled from downstairs.

My eyes started enlarging and I quickly made my way downstairs. I shushed Jackson and tiptoed my way to the Backyard. I was already practicing how to hit the person in my head. I watched a youtube video about self defense and since Jackson is here, im extra safe.

Just please dont have a gun.

I was so surprised at how calm Jackson was while I go all panic mode. I even thought of myself as James Bond, man. This feels exactly like an action movie. Except I dont carry guns But I carry bats, wooden Bats. So dont try me.

"Gotcha!" I yelled to absolutely no one.

I felt confused but shocked and touched at the same time. I didnt expect to see all this. There was a huge table of food along with gifts and a big chocolate cake. I was lost for words, my mouth was wide open and I couldnt breath properly, my eyes were starting to water but I couldnt help but to still wonder though, where is everyone and who did this ?

"SURPRISE!" Familiar faces started showing up all at the same time with huge smiles on their faces. I was so surprised that I even imagined Joan, Michelle and Angela was here.


Is that..?



"JOAN ? MICHELLE ? ANGELA ?" I yelled surprised.

"It is us !" They chuckled and went towards me. I lost it, I completely lost it. I broke down in tears that I even fell on my feet.

I couldnt believe they're here. They're actually here with me ! For my birthday ! They were here ! THE GIRLS ARE HERE ! MY GIRLS ARE HERE !

"I-missed-you guys so much- you- have no idea" I said in between sobs. I couldnt believe im now hugging the girls that I thought I wouldnt see for a very long time.

"We missed you too G" they all said crying along with me.

We all looked stupid crying at eachothers shoulders, but we didnt care. I missed my girls and im glad his isnt a dream. They actually came.

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