Chapter 25

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I cant believe that a Sunday could be so boring. Everything I did was eat and watch T.V. Well I did talk to the boys from time to time. Yeah, I had a laugh except when Taehyung starts butting in.

Like I dont even know what his real problem is, I thought we were okay after our little trip to the beach. Then he ignored me for the whole week after that. Then he started to act like a jerk to me again. I cant understand him.

And yet, girls are the ones whose confusing.

"Hi" I spun around and saw the person I was just talking about.

Ugh, seriously Taehyung im not in the mood to argue with you. Please leave.

"What now V?" I retorted.

"Can I sit with you?" I stopped swinging my legs and paid proper attention to Taehyung who didnt seem like he was here to tease me or annoy me.

He looked serious.

I was on the front porch, chilling and listening quietly to the music. I sighed and nodded. I hated how I always end up letting people do what they want to do. I was never good at saying no unless I really dont want to.

He walked over and sat beside me keeping a little space between.

"Why are you here?" He asked, none of us making any eye contact with eachother.

"The question is, why are you here ?" I answered.

"I wanted to be alone at the moment but I saw you"

"Then how is that wanting to be alone ?"

"I thought maybe I could be alone..with you"

I slowly diverted my gaze to Taehyung who still didnt try to look at me once, instead, he was look up the sky with a smile plastered all over his face. It wasn't a big smile but a relaxing one.

"Im sorry George" he blurted out.

"I thought you wouldnt wanna be friends with someone whose fake so I showed you my true colors from the beginning" he added.

"That's not a very nice attitude then I guess." I snapped.

It is true, I appreciate that he was just being a hundred percent real to me but dont you think its a little too much ? We just met and he's all mean. I really dont like that, I dont like cocky people specially when I dont even know them at all.

Its disrepectful.

"That not normally how I am. Im nice, I promise. I just-I dont know. I've never had a proper interaction with a girl before"

"That's not an excuse Taehyung, you've talked to fans a lot of times" I snapped again.

"I know but they're fans you know and you're..different" I raised an eyebrow at him and he finally looked at me.

"Im just-Im sorry, I dont even know if my sorry works anymore but I just really, really wanna be friends with you." He frowned and looked away to look at the stars again.

He wanna be friends ? I dont think thats the proper way of making friends. You should atleast be nice but in his case ? He wasnt even close to nice.


Why does my heart want to forgive him and start over again ?

Is it because of the way he looks right now ?

He doesnt look like the Taehyung that I know. He could probably be faking right now and would pull off something crazy later but this ..he was really really serious. I have never seen this side of Taehyung.

"Im not a bad person George, I just dont know how to approach you sometimes. I just really wanna have a conversation with you but I dont know how to start it, stupid excuses again, I know" he chuckled.

I sat there silently, I didnt know what to say anymore. I was shocked by what he was showing me. Im confused, I didnt know what to think. Is he serious ? Or is he not? I dont get how you have trouble making a conversation with a certain person. He seem to be creating one just fine now. Why cant he all the time ?

"Im just not the type to be all this dramatic and all. So I cant be like this all the time."

Wow, did he somehow read my mind ? Just the answer to my question.


"I get it. Just, next time. Stop with the cockiness. We can be friends, if you act nice to me" I finally responded.

I'll give him a chance. One last chance. He already wasted the first one after the beach trip. I hope he doesnt mess this up again.

"I am nice, you're just easily pissed George" he softly chuckled.

"Hey I thought you wanna be friends?" I replied bluntly.

"Cant a friend make a joke ?"

"That was a joke ?"

"Now you're being mean" he pouted.

I gave out a small chuckle and so did he.

I hope I made the right decision to forgive him. I know Taehyung is capable of being a good friend. He just doesnt know how to start a friendship. Not everyone can tolerate all his teasings like the guys.

I was different and he knew it.


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