Chapter 50 - finding out the truth.

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Namjoon's POV

"What did you guys talk about?" Jungkook kept bothering Taehyung about his and George's private talk awhile back.

"Nothing, just life." He sleepily answered.

"Oh c'mon be specific Hyung!" Jungkook begged.

"Jackson. There, you happy?" He replied keeping his tone up a little higher this time.

He then, took my pillow that I was hugging and used it to cover his face. Before wrapping himself around the blanket, feeling extremely comfortable. Has he forgotten that this is Mine and Suga's room ? He's supposed to be in the living room along with Jungkook.

"Yah, im sleepy Taehyung. Move" I directed. Still, he didnt budge.

"Can I sleep here just for tonight please ?" He requested, peaking one eye from the pillow and sounding super weak.

I feel it, something is wrong. This has to be about the talk with George awhile ago. He wouldnt be like this if he was okay. I hate seeing Taehyung so down at times like this.

"Taehyung ah, wanna talk outside?"

He didnt say a word. He just looked at me and sat straight up. I quickly pulled his arms and took him to the porch.

"What happened?"

"Nothing Hyung, we didnt talk about Jackson like I said to Jungkook" he replied wih a weak smile.

"Then ? Why are you so glum all of a sudden ?"

"I dont know hyung. Do you think Im torturing myself ?" He suddenly asked keeping his head low all the time.

I didnt reply to his question and waited for what he has to say next.

"I promised George i'd help her move on, even if it means I have to deal with seeing her cry for Jackson."

"Im doing such a stupid thing just because I like her so much. I didnt think about how I'd felt. I have'nt even start yet but I already feel like I wont be able to cope up with it much."

"He makes me angry hyung, how can he hurt such a precious girl like George ? Im sorry Hyung, I just like your sister so much, its driving me nuts" he finally finished and ran his hands through his hair, frustrated.

I felt bad for Taehyung for feeling super horrible about George.

But we all do. We all feel troubled. But none of us could do anything, we didnt have the right to tell George to forget about it since we werent the ones who felt the love she had for Jackson.

But I hate how I couldnt do anything for Taehyung too. I didnt have the right to say that he is torturing himself because I didnt know how much he really did liked my sister.

"Taehyung.." I sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I hate seeing you this way and you know that. But only you can answer yourself. Is this really a torture or is it just a trial? You can end up losing or end up winning but you'll never know any of that unless you try. If you give up now, its like losing straightaway."

"Im scared hyung.." he finally conceded.

"Im scared That I might end up falling in love with her"

"How is that a scary thing?"

"Because I know that even if I helped her move on, she wont be returning the love I will be giving her"

George's POV

I tried so hard to try and fall asleep but I just couldnt. I tried watching youtube in full brightness just so my eyes would hurt and would automatically close but they end up opening again once I shut my phone off. This is frustrating !

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