Chapter 47 - take a chance on me

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We finally settled in our respective rooms in this beautiful cabin that Namjoon had bought over a year ago. He said that the boys comes and visit Jeju from time to time and they didnt wanna waste anymore money on a hotel so he bought this place. It wasnt big but it was spacious, big enough to fit 12 of us in it. The girls and I shared  the masters bedroom since theres 5 of us sharing it while the boys got partnered up to 2 and the remaining three slept in the living room. That happened to be Jin, Jungkook and V. It was funny because they kept fighting for the rooms but ended up not having it anyway. The one who sleeps in the room next to us was Jimin and J-hope while on the other room was Namjoon and Suga.

We all gathered in the living room and started discussing on where to have our dinner. We decided to eat outside rather than cooking today. Thats an excuse to actually just stroll around the place.

"You guys fine with this?" Jin Asked.

The girls and I didnt bother saying no since we were really hungry. Besides the food in here looks really really good so I think this is the perfect place to pig out. We all entered this semi-fancy restaurant and reserved a seat for 12. The receptionist immediately recognized the boys and started charming herself infront of the guys. The girls and I laughed at her cute reaction and followed her to where we were gonna be seated in.

"Here you go, if you need anything please just call for me" She kindly smiled and lead us in this huge rounded table that has the most fantastic view. Im so glad we're with BTS. Seriously. The treatment is so freaking special. I feel like a celebrity myself.

"Wow you guys are seriously special huh. Like seriously. We're the only ones with this view" Michelle said amused. We all nodded and chuckled at how amazed Michelle was at the moment.

"Lets order" Namjoon laughed.

"Yes, please" I begged and patted my grumbling stomach.

"You seem really hungry" Taehyung whispered laugh. He was seated beside me while Joan was on my left.

I guess he heared my grumbling stomach since it was really audible. Im not embarassed though, im not the only one whose hungry here.

Within a few minutes after ordering, our food arrived and I swear to god, I thought I was drooling. The smell of the food brought joy to my nostrils. I just wanna grab it and eat the life out of it.

"Lets eatwell !" Jin cheered. We all cheered back and started munching on our food.

Man this is good. I felt like I haven't eaten for years !


Well we just finished eating an hour ago. We were all back in our little cabin and took a short nap. We're gonna be visiting the sea later on at night. I heared the view is much more amazing at night especially because of the beautiful sky. We'd be having a little campfire by the shore today so im really pretty excited about it. The girls were still having their beauty rest while I, on the other hand stared blankly at the ceiling. I dont know why I couldnt fall asleep.

I was waiting for something..

I kept glancing over to my phone. Hoping Jackson would call me. Or atleast text me.

And tell me that he wants me back. That he still loves me. And that he couldnt take it if he loses me.

But I knew I was waiting for absolutely nothing.

I still didnt know, im still full of questions. I still wanted to know why he would do such a thing to me when he promised that he wouldnt hurt me. Promises are underrated. They just end up disappointing you.

I didnt realize that a tear fell from my eyes. I started hugging my pillow and sobbed silently, burying my face in it. I still couldnt get over the pain. I knew I wouldnt be better anytime soon, but I have to.

I need to.

Soon, I heared a knock on the door. I quickly wiped the tears away and tried to look like I have just woken up so whoever that is behind that door, wont be worried. I messed my hair up and stood up and head straight for the door to reveal a smiling Taehyung.

"Oh hey Taehyung" I pretended to sound sleepy.

"Oh..hi. Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

Did I tell you ? Taehyung is good when it comes to these things. He definately knew somethings up.

"Ofcourse, I just woke up. What brings you here?" I tried to change the topic.

"Namjoon hyung asked me to tell you guys to get ready.." he said still staring at me with a concerned eyes.

"Oh, alright. I'll wake the girls up" I smiled and tried to push the door close but Taehyung prevented it from happening.

"'re not okay" I sighed and gave up. I knew he wouldnt stop bothering me until I tell him whats up. I slightly let go of the door and stepped out just so we could have our little talk without disturbing the girls.

"Whats wrong?" I didnt look at him. I had my headlow throughout the conversation.

"I just..miss-"

"Jackson.." Taehyung continued. I slowly nodded and brought my hand up to my face. I tried my best not to sob too hard but it seemed impossible the moment Taehyung pulled me into a hug. It reminded me of Jackson, whenever he hugs me..

"Cry as much as you want now, just make sure you wont be crying later. We'll have so much fun together" he said. I could see his smile just from the tone of his voice, it was very comforting.

"And you'll move on..just try and take a chance..on me" I stopped my crying the moment I heared him say that. I slowly pulled away from the hug and stared at Taehyung, waiting for an explanation.

"I mean like..take a chance on me like let me help you kind of chance" he nervously backed up.

I wasnt fully convinced but I just bought it.

"I'll go wake the girls up" I chuckled. He simply nodded with his really attractive smile that caused me to slightly blush. I smiled back and headed straight to our room and closed the door shut.

'Take a chance..on me'

What does he mean by that ? I know you all would be saying im stupid for not realizing anything. I just dont wanna assume on things and besides, I know he doesnt like me. Not at all.

I shook my head and tried to forget about what Taehyung said and returned to waking the girls up.

"Girls, Time to wake up."

"No please give us 5 more minutes." michelle groaned.

"Uhuh, the boys are already getting ready, you should be too. Come on" I said and pulled Sarah's arm to help her stand up. They all groaned and sat up one by one.

"Move everyone!" I clapped and chuckled. They rolled their eyes on me but did what I told them to do so anyway.

Such stubborn girls, I love them so much.

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