Chapter 20

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Taehyung's POV

I know I may have sounded like a complete jerk to George but i've been thinking about it lately, I should just maybe, just try, to avoid her as much as I can. I didnt want the feelings that I had inside, to grow.

I accepted it.

I didnt deny it anymore

I liked George.

Its weird how people claimed that Love at first sight wasnt real.

But I believed.

I believed, because it happened to me.

I fell inlove with George at first sight.

I tried to get it off my head, I didnt wanna date my Bestfriend's sister. I didnt wanna like George. It also seemed impossible for her to like me. Im not expecting and I dont want to expect.

I like her, thats enough.

She has Jackson now, so I should really distance myself from her. I didnt wanna make things seem complicated for her. I didnt want her taking hints about my feelings. I just dont want to.

"You're really a man of your words huh?" I turned to see Jungkook looking at me, a little disappointed.

I told him about how i'd avoid George from now on. He didnt support me at all. Plot twist, He admitted that he had a slight crush on her too. It got a little awkward when he started to confess but we both got over it anyway. We're not the type to fight over a girl.

"Aren't you relieved ? You lost one rival, Jackson's left" I teased.

"Yah, a crush is a crush, but liking is different." He argued.

True enough.

"I still dont think you should 'avoid' her. If you cant have her as a lover, atleast have her as a friend. Bestfriend, if possible" he added, emphasizing the word 'avoid' and turned the T.V. On.

As a friend ? Wouldnt that make things harder for me ? Should I atleast try ? Would it hurt if I tried ? I mean, what if Jungkook is right ? I've never had a girl bestfriend before. It shouldnt hurt to try, right ?

"You think that's a better idea?" I rolled my eyes at him.

It doesnt make sense, making her as my bestfriend is gonna make everything harder.

But why do I actually wanna try ?

"You like her right ? Its almost a month since you've known her. I'll give it a shot atleast, if I were you" he replied.

Its true, I did know her for quite some time now. 3 weeks to be exact. But then again, so does Jackson. She met both of us at the same day, remember ?

"Give it a shot, start tomorrow. You told me you invited her right ?"

I sighed in frustration, Jungkook is literally giving it all to me. He's really making me re-think my decision.

"Come on bro, we're the 'international playboy', have you forgotten ?" Jungkook teased and punched my arm.

I let out a small chuckle and walked back to my bed. That's true, we're known to be the guys with the charm.

Where is the Taehyung that everyone knows ?


George's POV

Today is the day. I will have to embarass myself for Taehyung's sake.

No, actually.

It's for my sake.

I seriously dont know where I got myself into. Im slowly regretting it.

I groaned as I sat up, I didnt want this day to start. Infact, I wanted it to end already. Unfortunately, Im not the one to decide my faith. Ugh. Lets just get everything over with.

I changed to the oufit that I had chosen. It was simple, like I said before, who am I trying to impress ?

I quickly did my make up and headed downstairs to catch up with the guys

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I quickly did my make up and headed downstairs to catch up with the guys.

"You dressed up well just to see me huh?" Taehyung stated confidently with a smirk.

Oh, ofcourse he's back. He's back to being this cocky little dude. Surprised but not disappointed.

"I came to see all you guys, unintentionally" I rolled my eyes and headed to the shoe rack to get my shoes.

"You look pretty" he complimented, almost audible. Not making any eye contacts with me.

"You dont look bad yourself" I smirked back.

If Taehyung wanna play cocky, who am I to not give him what he wants ? He started it. Therefore, he should be the one to end it.

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