The final chapter

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Hi guys! This is the last chapter. I made it long since its going to be The final one. I hope you guys enjoy this last chapter. Take care xx


I was finally walking home with a stupid smile plastered all over my face. I couldnt wait to go home. I knew I would see Taehyung the moment I reached home. I didnt wanna hide my feelings for long. I knew how he felt towards me so I wasnt afraid to tell him mine. Its time I pay him back by returning the same feelings.


Taehyung's POV

I was finally ready, Im fianlly gonna tell George how I feel. I dont care if she doesnt return the same feelings. I want her to know that she's special to me and would always be. I want her to know that she became the biggest part of my life and that I would treasure her forever. I would never forget her even if im far away from her. I will wait For George.

Speaking of George, I saw a familiar figure sitting on the bench beside the water fountain. I tried to get a better look and saw the person that I've been wanting to see the whole day. But this time..she was with Jackson. Both of them were crying. George however had a smile on her face. And my world stopped, when George kissed his forehead before pulling him into a hug. I guess they got back together..I should have seen this coming..

How stupid of me to think that I could ever have a chance. How stupid that I even wanted to tell her how I felt. She wouldnt care about how I felt ofcourse. She has Jackson back now. Im in no use anymore. I stared at the rose that I picked up from a plant earlier on the way here and think of how stupid I was to even try.

I couldnt help but laugh at myself while trying to hold back the tears. I wanted to run away but I couldnt get my eyes off of them. George was smiling again. She finally got what she wants. And me ? I guess this is the end.

This is where I give up.


George's POV

"Im home" I chimed the moment I entered the house. Everyone greeted me back with huge smiles on their faces. I waited till Taehyung comes over to me but unfortunately I couldnt see him anywhere. The girls noticed how im suddenly not in the mood and was looking around.

"He's not here yet. He'll be here soon" Joan reassured. I couldnt help but to feel disappointed. I thought the first thing I'd see the moment I reach home is him. I wanted to hug him.

"Guys. Taehyung said he's not coming" Jimin blurted out.

He's...not coming ?...

"Why ?" Jin asked.

"I dont know he just said he wanted to be alone.." Jimin replied looking just as confused as the other members and the girls. I was too. What could be the problem ? Something doesnt feel right. He wouldnt be like this if something bad didnt happen.

"Then did he say where he is ?" Namjoon asked worriedly.

"At the park near by" Jimin answered.

"That cant be, I was just at the pa-...."

Did he..somehow saw me with Jackson earlier ?..

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