Chapter 54 - I think Im inlove again.

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"I miss you too..."

"But Im letting you go.." I smiled painfully to him. I cupped his face and kissed his forehead. It caused him to cry harder as I held him in my arms. I was finally ready to let go of my feelings for Jackson. I didnt wanna keep waiting for him. I love Jackson, but I finally realized I need to give myself love too. I cant keep hurting myself, I cant hold on to the words he said and watch how they continue being together infront of me. I cant keep loving Jackson.

"Im not ready to let this go George.." he cried.

"But you have to..its the only way for both of us to stop feeling the pain. Neither of us could live happily without setting eachother can learn to love Rosè. Just like how you learned to love me..she needs you more that I do now. So please Jackson.." it hurted me saying those words but I knew it was the right thing to do. We needed to be happy for ourselves too. We cant keep thinking that we cant live without eachother. If its meant to be it will be. But right now, our faith isnt meant to be the same.

"Its hard for now..but it will get better.." I comforted.

"How can you say that ?" He suddenly asked pulling away from my embrace.

"Because it happened to me" I gave him a smile showing that I really was okay.

Thinking about it. I was really okay. I wouldnt have to say these things if I still wanted to be with Jackson. I wouldnt have the courage to face him here if I wasnt okay yet. I wouldnt hold myself back from falling to his arm and kiss him telling him how I want us to get back. I wouldnt feel light inside, I couldnt have handled all this if it werent for someone who helped me endure all tha pain I felt. It wasnt for him I wouldnt have realized my worth.


"Taehyung helped me." I smiled thinking about Taehyung.

"He taught me how to be okay even when the person you love doesnt love you back. He taught me how to carry on with my life even if he's facing something difficult. He always reminds me that Im worth so much and that I deserve to be happy. All this time I've been blind about how much I love you and how much it hurts not being able to call you mine anymore that I didnt notice that He was hurting. That I was hurting him. Yet, he tried his best to stay beside me even if it hurts him to see me cry over you all the time. Taehyung taught me how to be better without you now Jackson.." I said this time no tears were pouring down my cheeks.

I felt nothing but happiness. I felt thankful because now I see the worth of Taehyung in my life. All this time I knew he had feelings for me, but I never tried to give back the affection he's been showing me. I never once tried to appreciate his presence. I was so hung up on Jackson that I wasnt aware if I was hurting him. But he's still here for me, showing me how love is really suppose to be shown. Im slowly starting to admire him, how he handled all the pain just to make me happy. How he shows no pain in his eyes whenever I show him that im hurt just so he could make me believe that everything would be okay and that pain is temporary. Its all Taehyung, this wouldnt happen if it werent for Taehyung. I wouldnt have been able to face the person I once loved if it werent for Taehyung.

"Its my fault.." Jackson Sighed.

"What do you mean ?"

"I hate how I see your eyes sparkle while talking about Taehyung. Its my fault for leaving you behind." He cried again. I didnt know how to get Jackson to stop crying. Im in no position to make him stop. He needed all the tears he had to release the pain. I know because i've been there.

"But now, I cant help it if you really Like Taehyung.." he continued..


"Stop denying it George, Its okay..Taehyung is a great guy. I know he wont be able to hurt you" he weakly smiled.

You're right. I guess its time to admit that I did like Taehyung. It took quite some time for me to accept it. I didnt think I would be able to exchange the feelings he had for me. Maybe because I was afraid knowing that he's a huge star. Theres no way things would work out for the both of us. But seeing Taehyung as he is, I dont think that even matters anymore. Taehyung is the only one who makes me feel complete now. He turned my world upside down. He made me see a better version of myself. He was always there whenever I needed to be happy. He never missed a day without showing me that he liked me a lot.

"Yeah I guess I do like Taehyung.." I smiled. Jackson stood up and gave me one last kiss on the forehead. Before letting go of my hand. Leaving me alone at the park. I wasnt crying but I was happy. I kept thinking about Taehyung and all the things he did for me..Now everything started to make sense. All the words he said to me was his simple way of telling me his feelings..

From the first time he heared me sing

"No. Not at uh..have a beautiful voice."

All the times he was being cocky to me.

"So bieber huh ?

"What else is there to know about you ?"

"Looking for me?"

"Yeorobun this is Kim George."

I now undertsand the Kim he was talking about that time. It wasnt my brother, but it was him.

"Theres no point."

"Why would we want George to get back with the same person who caused her this much pain and probably take the risk of it, happening again"

"You dont have to say anything back you can just cry if you want to"

"How is it stupid ? Because you're not certain that I can really help ?"

"I will, George and I can. Trust me"

"Cry as much as you want now, just make sure you wont be crying later. We'll have so much fun together"

"And you'll move on..just try and take a chance..on me."

Those were some of the words he said to show me how he really felt, I felt stupid for not understanding and realizing it. But now I do.. and now I can say.. that I feel the same way too..

Kim Taehyung..I think im falling inlove with you.


Hi guys ! How have you guys been ? I didnt update for a while well thats also due to my busyness. But now I have all the time in the world. Unfortunately, this is the second last chapter. However I do hope you enjoy reading my story. I will post the last chapter later this evening. I'll try atleast. Hope you guys had a great day.

Take care everyone ! Xx

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