Already Got A Snack

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When Eddie's mother had gotten him a phone, he certainly hadn't been expecting it.

It was Eddie's 17th birthday, and it seemed that Sonia Kaspbrak was finally letting down the guard that she had been building up around the boy for his entire life. She claimed it was only for emergencies, since Eddie would be driving now. He had recently gotten his license, though it had taken many tries and many near-panic-attacks while trying to remember if they had asked him to turn left or right.

It wasn't the best phone out there, but it was a phone, and Eddie was grateful. He couldn't have asked for a better present, seeing as all of his friends were constantly poking fun at him for not having one. The first thing he did was start customizing the settings and whatnot. He added a finger print to the lock just for the heck of it, as well as a password that he thought was failsafe.

But of course, Richie Tozier was the one who figured it out first try.

"Oh my God, Eds, what the fuck is your lock screen?"

Eddie scowled, his cheeks glowing a dusty red color as he tried to snatch the device away from his best friend. Richie had taken it the second he showed everyone, and of course, he guessed that the password was Eddie's birthday. His lock screen wasn't even that ridiculous, he just hadn't changed it yet, so it was at the default setting of some beach scene with a wave hitting the sand.

"Give it back, Richie. I just haven't changed it yet!" Eddie held out a hand expectantly, frowning, but Richie took no notice. He was too busy clicking into Eddie's camera to take pictures.

"Alright, everyone, gather 'round. We are going to have the honor of being my Spaghetti's first lock screen!" He dabbled with the camera settings for a few minutes while everyone crowded around him. Eddie sighed, exasperated, and figured that he had no choice. He didn't want to be left out of his own lock screen. So, he huddled up next to Richie and just in front of Bev, who leaned forward and rested her chin on his shoulder, grinning up at the phone. Richie slung his arm around Eddie's waist, much to the brunette's distaste, and smiled up at the camera.

Bill had draped his arms around Stan's shoulder and was resting his head against the other boy's. Ben was standing behind Bev awkwardly, hands twitching like he wanted to reach out and try to hug her. Mike was standing on Richie's right and leaning in so his head was in the shot. Eddie stood to the left of Richie, reluctantly leaning against him so other people could get closer.

Richie took the picture, and everyone crowded around to see it.

The photo actually came out really nicely, much to Eddie's satisfaction and Richie's pride. It took Eddie a moment to notice that the boy was no longer wearing his glasses. Glancing at the photo, he saw that he had them on there, but he couldn't see them in his hands or on his face anymore.

"Hey, Rich, where did your glasses go?" Richie looked up and Eddie could tell he was going to regret asking that one.

"Well, you see, my dear Eds, I had just taken them off so I could show you all my new contacts, but I'm afraid I've lost them. Can I have yours?" He gestured to Eddie's phone and clicked on the contacts app. Everyone groaned, but collectively burst into fits of laughter as Eddie sighed heavily with a huge smile.

"That was awful. Give me your phone." Richie pumped his fist in the air as if this was some huge accomplishment and gave Eddie his phone. Shaking his head, Eddie put his number in the boy's phone. He had memorized it already just for this occasion. He wasn't planning on anyone else asking for his number, but it was easier than having to read it out to all of his friends one by one. So, he went around, putting his number in all of their phones.

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