This Time

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"Hello?" Eddie placed his phone to his ear, laying back against his pillows. It wasn't too early, he had just slept late, which was something he hadn't done in a long time. His mood lifted considerably when he realized that it was Friday. Upon glancing at the clock, he knew he was going to be late for school, which meant that any minute now his mother would come and burst down his door to make sure he wasn't dead.

"Eddie?" Georgie's voice sounded on the other side of the phone, and that just made Eddie's mood even better. Especially after detecting the underlying excitement in the younger boy's tone. He threw his covers off and got up, deciding that he could shower after school.

"Hey, Georgie! To what do I owe the pleasure?" He smiled, enjoying the pure sound of the kid's laughter on the other end as he took out a dark blue sweater with pink hearts and a pair of pink leggings that matched the hearts. His mother had never been fond of his choice in colors, specifically the pink, but Eddie had just gently reminded her that pink had started off as a color that was directed towards men (although he wasn't sure that was true), and she had just turned her nose with a judge mental grunt.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna have the sleepover tonight or tomorrow? It's finally the weekend. I would have asked you earlier this week, but I've been kinda busy, and I heard you were busy, too, so I didn't want to bother you." Eddie paused his actions, frowning. Busy? Besides the day that he left early with Richie and the day he had photography, he hadn't been busy at all.

"Who told you I was busy?" He asked, pulling out his blue converse and pulling them on while the phone was nestled between his ear and his shoulder. There was a moment of silence where the surprise seemed to deep through the phone.

"Well, I was talking to Bill about asking you on the walk home from school since sometimes he comes to get me instead of making me take the bus. Some kid behind us must've heard your name or something, cause he to,d me you had places to be. Things to do, something like that." Eddie's throat ran dry, and he forced himself to finish tying his shoes before getting up slowly and walking over to his window. He glanced outside and saw that the sun was almost fully risen, and upon opening the window, a slight chill ran down his spine despite his warm choice of clothing.

"Did he say his name? What did he look like?" Eddie rubbed the back of his neck and nearly dropped his phone out of surprise and terror when something slammed against his door. He relaxed a little, but not much when he realized it was just his mother and her horrible screaming started.

"Uh, well, he said -" Eddie cut him off, running a hand down the side of his face.

"Listen, Georgie, my mom is screaming again, and I'm gonna be late, so I've gotta go. I have an appointment at the eye doctors today after school, but you can come over after. What do you say we make this a double sleepover, huh? Tonight and tomorrow night. It can be just you and me, if you'd like." There was an excited shout from the other side of the phone, and Eddie would have smiled if not for the beast pounding on his door. His heart started to beat a little faster as he awaited his answer.

"Yes!" Georgie finally shouted. "Just text me when to come over. I'll be ready!" This time Eddie did manage a small smile before saying goodbye and ending the call. He clutched his phone tightly, taking a deep breath.

"Eddie, open this door at once! Your 5:00 and 6:00 pills are sitting untouched on the counter! You'd better have a good explanation, young man. You don't want mommy to have to force you like she did when you were little, do you?"

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