I'm Second Guessing Myself

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Richie: stan i need to ask you something

Stan: Hey, Richie. What's up? You okay?

Richie: im okay i just have to talk to you about something. are you busy?

Stan: If by busy, you mean hanging out with Bill, then don't worry about it. He fell asleep a while ago. Now will you just tell me what's wrong?

Richie: alright here goes nothing

Richie: ...

Richie: im second guessing myself

Stan: For the love of God, Richie, if you don't ask me now then I'm going to sleep.

Richie: alright, alright! um... how do you know you like someone? like, how did you know you liked bill?

Stan: I really should make a jab at you for this but because you chose to ask me, therefore dubbing me your best friend besides Eddie, I'm just going to calmly answer your question and be there for you.

Richie: eddie is my hubby, youre my best friend.

Stan: I have achieved greatness. Anyway, I guess I just kinda knew.

Richie: um. could you elaborate on that a little bit, please? be more specific.

Stan: Well, it started because we had always been closer to each other than we were with you guys. I guess I kinda knew because I saw him with Beverly and it made me really sad. I wasn't angry, though, I was just sad, and that how I knew that I liked him. If I had been angry, then it wouldn't have been right. But I was sad because I knew I couldn't have him, and that means that I cared more about him being happy with her than I did about being angry and keeping him to myself.

Richie: uh-huh, anything else?

Stan: Well, I would always get really happy when I saw him. Like, really happy, and my heart would pick up it's speed, and I'd feel warm all over like I was melting. Then he would walk over and smile and his stutter was just adorable and I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have someone like him in my life. If our hands ever accidentally touched it would be really warm, and it would almost be like a shock, but not literally. More like a mental jolt. That's what people mean when they say electricity sparked during romantic exchanges, it's more like a "Holy shit we're kissing" kinda jolt in the back of your mind.

Richie: ok

Stan: Is it alright if I ask why you're so curious?

Richie: as my best friend, and my closest companion, id have to say yes

Stan: Alright, then. Why so curious? Do you finally have real feelings for someone? Not just another summertime fling?

Richie: i dont know, staniel. its all so confusing! i think i might like a boy, and it scares me.

Stan: Well, we all love and accept you no matter what, Richie. I mean, look at us. More than half of us are at least a little gay. Bev is bisexual, just cause she has Ben doesn't mean she never looked at girls. Eddie is gay, just because he doesn't have a boyfriend doesn't mean he doesn't like boys. Then, look at Bill and I.

Richie: stan, would you do anything for bill? like, anything? even if it could be a little dangerous?

Stan: Well, yeah. Of course I would. I love him.

Richie: alright. thats all i really needed to hear. thank you, stanny. i really appreciate it!

Stan: No problem, Rich. Stay safe, don't do anything stupid.

Read, 10:38 P.M.

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