I Missed

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"I'm sorry, Eddie!"

It felt like the thousandth time Eddie had heard him say this, and he was starting to seriously consider just dropping Parker altogether, but the kid still wouldn't leave him alone. Richie was in the bathroom, but Eddie absolutely refused to step foot in the school's lavatory, so he was waiting outside when the sophomore caught up to him. He had frowned deeply and almost turned to walk away, but then he remembered he was supposed to be waiting for Richie. He actually considered going in the bathroom to escape, but what if the kid followed him and that just forced him to go into a stall to escape conversation? The thought made him shudder, but what made him really uncomfortable was the way that Parker seemed to be feeling bold enough to grab his hand in order to get his attention.

"Listen, Parker. What you said really hurt my feelings. I don't know if you've heard, but there's a reason behind why I'm so skinny, and I'm working on it, alright? You just shouldn't have said that." Eddie made no move to reciprocate Parker's more-than-friendly hand grabbing action, and just frowned, averting his eyes and tapping his foot impatiently. How long did it take for Richie to use the bathroom?

"I know! I didn't hear about it until after you guys left the room, and everyone freaked out at me. Especially the redhead girl who walked in later once she heard what happened. She was pissed. Kind of a bitch. But anyway, that's not the point. The point is, I'm really sorry, and I'll be better next time. Please just give me another chance!" His words nearly went right over Eddie's head, but when he heard 'redhead' and 'bitch' in the same sentence he was angry all over again.

"Red headed bitch? Yeah, that sounds a lot like Bev. Listen, I think you need to be more careful with what you say. Maybe you could learn some social skills before trying to make friends that are older than you?" Eddie smiled sweetly and pulled his hand from Parker's grasp, moving to walk away. Then his arm was grabbed and he was being pulled back and suddenly he was facing the teen again.

"Listen here, Eds. I'm going to say this once." Parker's voice was low, and the tone was making Eddie a little nervous. It was dark, and controlling, and he sounded a little too much like Henry Bowers for Eddie's taste.

"Don't call me that," Eddie said quietly, but he didn't try to pull his arm away. Parker's grip hurt enough already.

"I'll call you whatever I want. I'll say to you whatever I want. Because I can make that little friend of yours' life even more of a living hell than it is already." The look in his eye was dangerous and Eddie blanched. Little friend? What the hell was he talking about? Then it hit him.

"Are you talking about Georgie? Because if you are, then I hate to break it to you, buddy, but he's down in the middle school, grades away from you. Plus, he's got his brother's entire group of friends standing behind him as support. So if you think you even have the slightest chance of ruining anything for him, then you're wrong. Now let go of my arm, and fuck off. I want nothing to do with you." Eddie pulled away, smacking Parker's hand off of his arm as he turned and nearly walked right in to Richie.

"Perfect timing!" Eddie smiled sarcastically, brushing straight past his confused boyfriend and storming down the hallway. Tears were already building up in his eyes as he rounded the corner and made a beeline for the exit of the school. He was vaguely aware of the fact that Richie was following him, because he heard the boy call out his name a few times, but he ignored it. He didn't want to deal with anything inside of the building right now.

It was freezing outside, which made no sense, because it was barely the beginnings of October. Eddie shivered and hugged himself tightly, his pace quickening as he neared the edge of the parking lot. Before he could cross the street, Richie reached him.

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