Game Plan

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Side Hubby💞

Stan: What's the game plan?

Richie: y r u asking me

Stan: Because you're always the one with the crazy plan, plus it's your boyfriend too. Don't you want to crash their little get together? I don't think either of us like the idea of our men being alone together, even if Bill is upset with Eddie.

Richie: speaking of, r u still upset with eds?

Stan: First of all, I don't think he likes it when you refer to him that way so I'm telling. Second of all, I was never really THAT mad in the first place. Both sides had a point, so I think it was dumb for everyone to turn on him, but Bill was being petty and I knew he would stop talking to me altogether if I put a toe out of line.

Richie: jesus. sounds to me like you need to get yourself a new man, staniel. billy boy doesnt seem like hes being too nice to you lately

Stan: Don't be ridiculous, Richie, of course I'm not getting a 'new man'. Bill is just stressed, and he's upset about Georgie. I understand why he's being this way, and I know it'll all blow over. Now come up with something we can do to annoy them on their 'date' or else I'll officially divorce you as my side hubby.

Richie: fine, fine. i say we conveniently show up at the same place as them and keep flashing in and out of sight from a distance but then disappearing so they think theyre going crazy or something, but at least it keeps up on their minds. if we see anything fishy goin on, we pounce. even if its just a handshake, staniel!!

Stan: Alright, I feel like we could come up with something better, but if that's all you've got then it's gonna have to be like that. I'm not creative enough to top it.

Richie: or top anything at all...

Stan: Oh, fuck off, I'll have you know that I actually do top.

Richie: yeah, sure, if by top u mean u lay there while bill does all the work...

Stan: Beep-beep, asshole.

Richie: I've got an idea. It's good enough for proper punctuation and capitalization.

Stan: I'm listening.

Richie: Let's not just pop in and out of sigh by ourselves... Let's make it look like we're on a date or something.

Stan: No. No way. Absolutely not.

Richie: come on! all is is a little hand holding.

Stan: Nooooooooo

Richie: yeeeeeesssss. theyll know were just being stupid, they arent that dumb. its just a funny way to distract them.

Stan: I'll hold your hand, but that's it. Nothing beyond that.

Richie: YES! my brilliant plan to make eddie jealous is being put into action

Stan: Why the hell would you need to make him jealous?

Richie: Because jealous and desperate Eddie means I get laid, Staniel. And that is also good enough for proper capitalization and punctuation.

Stan: Dear lord, what have I gotten myself into?

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