Less Than Satisfied

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"So how'd the interview go, Eddie Bear?" Sonia called from the kitchen as Eddie walked down the stairs. His hair was dripping wet from his shower, and he had left his glasses upstairs due to the fact that they just fogged up when he put them on while his hair was damp.

"It went pretty well, Ma." He pulled a water out of the fridge and took a few sips, placing it on the counter. He pulled down the sleeves of Richie's old sweatshirt so they covered his hands, then grabbed his phone out of the pocket and opened up the app he had downloaded recently solely for the picture taking purposes. It was called SnapChat, and apparently it was what most people used, but all of his friends were content with iMessage and Instagram so they only used SnapChat for the filters.

He put on the filter that suspended red hearts around his head and turned around the corner so his mother wasn't in the background. He stuck his tongue out, hiding part of his face behind the sleeve of his sweatshirt and snapping the picture. He saved it with a small smile and moved back in to the kitchen, basking in the wonderful aromas of his mother's cooking. She actually could be fairly good at it on rare occasion.

He sat down at the table as she shuffled around behind him and he looked at the picture to make sure there was nothing wrong with it. He hated when he sent pictures and realized later on that something he had done looked stupid. Then he opened Instagram and tapped on Richie's DMs, pasting the picture into the chat. A small smile found its way on to his face, but it didn't last long.

"Who were you sending that image to, Eddie Bear? The face you were making was a little.. strange." Sonia dumped a bit of a spice into whatever she was making. She must have peered over his shoulder when he was looking at the picture. His heartbeat sped up a little bit and he took a deep breath. He wanted to get a job before he got kicked out, but he didn't know if he had gotten the position at Dunkin's.

"Just the group chat, Ma. We like to make silly faces at each other." He held his breath, shoulders slightly tense. What would he do if she started yelling? He hadn't packed or anything. In fact, his only bag was still at Parker's house. He had left it at the house on Neibolt, and now he's left it at Parker's house. Granted, it had holes in it, but it was the only bag besides his school bag which needed for school.

"Really? It seemed like a sort of strange picture to send to all of your friends. You can tell me the truth, Eddie. Have you finally got a girlfriend?" There was an underlying tone of excitement in her voice that sent a chill down Eddie's spine. He felt a bit guilty, but he really didn't care for her opinion on Richie. He never had. Sonia had never approved of his best friend, but that never stopped him. So what if he was technically his boyfriend now? Why should her opinion still matter?

"No, Ma. No girlfriend." He sighed softly, averting his eyes as she placed a plate full of food in front of him. He glanced down at his phone when it lit up and froze.

1 new message from ❤️Chee❤️.

He grabbed his phone and turned it off, glancing up at his mother nervously. She had a cold look in her eyes, but she didn't say anything at first. His phone buzzed a few more times, and she raised her eyebrow. Eddie swallowed with some difficulty, glancing down at his hands which were still covered by the sleeves of Richie's sweatshirt.

"Eddie Bear. Why did you lie to me?" Her voice was deathly quiet, which was scarier than her yelling. The hairs on the back of Eddie's neck stood up, and he took a deep breath.

"I didn't lie, Mommy. You asked if I had a girlfriend and I said no." He clenched his teeth, averting his eyes so he didn't have to see the look of horror on her face when she realized what he meant. He slowly got up from his chair, but she grabbed his wrist tightly causing him to flinch. Her snake-like grip had caught him underneath his sleeve to make sure he wouldn't pull away.

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