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"Let me come with you!" Richie had spent the last hour begging, and Eddie was beginning to approach his wit's end.

"For the last time, Richie, no. God, how many times do I have to tell you?" The brunette scowled, rolling over in his boyfriend's bed so his back faced the boy who was sitting at his desk. He pulled the covers up over his shoulder, staring at the wall with a deep frown. He had known Richie was going to be upset, but he hadn't been counting on him being this upset.

"Eddie, he left bruises on your arm. He's been hitting on you for weeks, and he threatened to hurt Georgie. Did you seriously think I was going to let you go to his house alone?" Richie sounded angry, and he had never been angry with Eddie before. The small teen bit his lip to keep it from wobbling, but it didn't help much. His shoulders tensed, and he was afraid to talk because he was sure he would start crying.

So instead he just remained silent, biting so hard that a metallic taste filled his mouth. He let go of his lower lip with a sharp hiss, the pain filling his eyes with just that extra bit of tears that sent the moisture tumbling. He could feel Richie's gaze on his back as he cupped his mouth, successfully holding back a pitiful sob. However, he was unable to keep his shoulders from shaking, and he couldn't mask the obvious sniffles. When he pulled his hand away, there was a dribble of red in his palm, and he was still swallowing the horrible taste that had filled his mouth.

"I just wish you had woken me up or something. I could have made an excuse for you." The anger had faded a bit, but in Eddie's ears, Richie still sounded pissed. In reality, the teen hated seeing his boyfriend crying just as much as he used to. He couldn't stand knowing that a stupid sophomore was driving between them like a wedge, and he had a feeling that if he kept acting this way then he would become the hammer that sealed the deal.

Eddie cried pitifully, covering his mouth once more, partially to muffle the noise but mostly to keep any blood from staining Richie's sheets. There was a slight creak as the door to the room opened and footsteps faded down the hallway. A sob wracked his body as he curled his knees up to his chest. What if he had really messed up this time? What if Richie was really mad at him and he wanted to spend time apart?

The bed dipped behind Eddie under the weight of another person, and warm arms that he hadn't been aware of until them pulled him gently upwards into a sitting position. The brunette screwed his eyes shut, afraid that if he looked then he would disappear. Soft but firm hands lifted his chin and pressed a wet cloth to his lip and held it there. The hand that wasn't holding the cloth moved to remove his glasses, which had become foggy due to his tears, then brushed a few of his chocolate curls out of his face.

"Shh," Richie crooned, and though Eddie was so certain that the boy was angry with him, he could only detect concern in his boyfriend's tone as he soothed him. "It's okay. It's alright, Eddie. Don't cry." But he couldn't help it. He hiccuped once, then twice, tears still pouring down his face. He finally forced his eyes opened, and though his vision wasn't nearly as bad as Richie's, it was even blurrier than usual as he peered up at his partner.

"I'm sorry," he gasped, clutching Richie's wrist tightly. "I was t thinking - And I - And -" He trailed off into another sob followed by a hiccup. The cloth was removed from his face and both hands cupped his cheeks as he was shushed again. There was a light pressure on the tip of his nose as Richie kissed it, lifting a great weight from Eddie's chest. He shifted over onto Richie's lap, throwing his arms around the taller boy's neck and hugging him tightly. He hugged back just as fiercely, and slowly but surely Eddie calmed himself down.

"At least let me walk you to the door, yeah?" Eddie nodded feebly, clutching at Richie's sweatshirt. He closed his eyes, and the final few tears that were just leftovers tumbled down and away. He pulled back and Richie brushed the droplets from his face, smiling warmly. It was the kind of smile you just had to return. So Eddie did.

"Hold my hand and never let go," Eddie murmured, grasping Richie's hand and staring at him very seriously.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

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