Favorite Little Brother

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The Losers' Club

Bill: hey, guys? could you maybe come meet me somewhere today? all of you. something happened and i kinda need to talk about it.

Eddie: I'm free if you need to talk. Where are we meeting? Richie's here too, by the way, so I'm speaking for both of us.

Mike: im always free.

Stan: It's important, you guys. If you aren't free today just try to get some time as soon as possible.

Ben: whoa, is everything okay? im not doing anything at the moment if we're meeting up now.

Bev: not doing anything? does hanging out with me not count anymore? s m h

Bill: This is serious, you guys. Something really bad happened.

Bev: well if your typing says anything about you it's that you're lazy, and you only properly capitalize and punctuate when you're nervous, so i'm reading the signs here. i'll settle down. yeah, ben and i are free

Eddie: That sounds like everyone. Where are we meeting?

Bill: I don't know, I didn't think that far ahead yet.

Stan: I did. You guys know that old cliff down in the woods? My dad calls it the quarry. It's where our parents used to hang out as kids, and go swimming and stuff.

Eddie: you mean that old peoples hangout place that nobody goes to anymore because its not cool like it apparently used to be?

Eddie: Im so sorry, that was Richie. He took my phone. Dont mind him, hes in a bad mood today.

Bev: yeah i think i know what you're talking about. ben and i will start heading there now

Mike: I know the place. Looks like it's time to bust out the old bikes, huh?

Bill: Thank you guys. It means a lot. I'll be there in a few minutes.

Stan: We'll see you all there.


"Oh my God, Richie, shut up! You're being an asshole. This is serious! What if something really bad happened?" Eddie was scolding his best friend as he tugged in his shoes. He grabbed Richie's discarded shirt and shoved it over the boy's head, not even pausing to admire the way his curls bounced messily around his face once his head popped through the top hole.

"I'm just saying, Bill has a history of being dramatic. He called one of these meetings once because he forgot to get his kid brother a birthday present. All I mean is that it can't be anything too bad." Richie shoved his arms through the sleeves of his shirt and got up, capturing his friend in a soft embrace. He placed a kiss on Eddie's nose, which, annoyingly, helped a lot.

"Relax, Eds. I'm sure everything is fine." Eddie sighed, melting into Richie's embrace. He had a bad feeling about all of this. He knew his best friend was right, Bill tended to take a flare for the dramatic, but Stan had said it was important and Stan was a no-funny-business kind of guy. Anxiety clutched at the small boy's heart as he forced himself to pull away from Richie and exited his room, shouting a quick goodbye to his mother. Before she could question him further, Richie had already grabbed him by the hand and led him outside.

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