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Stan felt absolutely ridiculous holding Richie's hand in public.

Richie thought it was fucking hilarious.

Bill was upset.

Eddie was just confused. And perhaps a bit upset, but he would never admit to the fact that it made him a little jealous.

"What the hell are we doing here, Richie? I don't even see them, this is fucking ridiculous." Ignoring Stan's complaints, Richie peered around a few more people, trying to spot Eddie and Bill. He finally caught sight of them standing together on the other side of the park, just talking.

"Spotted!" Richie practically screeched. He realized his mistake as the two teens turned and looked at them. Richie gasped dramatically and lifted the hand that was clutching Stan's before dashing off and dragging the boy with him as he made a beeline for the playground.

"Richie! Slow down! This is insane!" Stan yelled insults from behind Richie as he dove onto the jungle gym that was meant for little kids and crammed himself in the tunnel. He pulled Stan forcefully with him, successfully getting one arm stuck behind him while the other clutched Stan's hand so the boy's arm was stuck in front of him. His entire body was wedged within the cylinder, his shoulders touching the top and his knees squishing his body between the ground and the ceiling. He felt Stan slam into him from behind, which just shoved him further into the cylinder and got him even more stuck.

"Um..." Richie trailed off, glancing down at the hand that was clutching Stan's. The Jew's arms as squashed between the wall and Richie, trapping him in there as well.

"You are the biggest idiot to ever walk the planet, Tozier. Now what the hell are we supposed to do?" Stan's voice was thick with frustration, and Richie honestly couldn't blame him. He let go of Stan's hand so he had exactly one free arm and tried to pull himself forward, but he felt himself just getting more stuck the further forward he went so he stopped and instead tried to wrestle his phone out of his pocket.

"I could call Ben," he suggested, already typing in the boy's number. He felt Stan begin to squirm, trying to pull his arm out, but just making it a tighter squeeze. There were a few kids outside laughing their asses off at the two almost-adult boys who were stuck in the tunnel.

"No! Don't call Ben! Call Bill, or Eddie! They're already here, they can just help us. They're probably done with their conversation by now anyway!" Stan scrabbled aimlessly at Richie from his position, but his first just bounced harmlessly off of Richie's back.

"Too late!" Richie said in a sing-song voice. "We can't call them, it would ruin the whole operation!"

"What operation?" Ben had picked up the phone.

"Haystack!" Richie cheered. "Come to the playground and unstick us! We're squished in the tunnel and we can't get out. But don't let Bill and Eddie see you!" There was a moment of dead silence in which Richie wondered if Ben had just hung up.

"Bev says she'll come too. Listen, uhm... what should we do if they see us?" Ben sounded like he was trying his very best not to laugh, and Richie barely contained a snort himself.

"Then distract them and text me, I'll call someone else." Ben murmured his agreement, saying that they would be there in two minutes and then hung up.

"We're going to die in a kiddie tunnel because you called Ben instead of the police," Stan stared grouchily. "I hope you know that." This time Richie did laugh, and it was a good one. It echoed in the bit of tunnel before him. His smile was so wide that it hurt.

"Shut up, Stanny. We're stuck together, might as well make the most of it." Richie grasped Stan's hand again before he could pull away, ignoring his grunt of protest. He chuckled as the boy tried to pull away, but his arm was still stuck good. Richie looked back at his end of the tunnel and suddenly Bev was there. She had tears in her eyes, she started laughing so hard at the sight of them all stuck and unable to move.

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