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Richie: can we talk about it

Eddie: Nope.

Richie: oh come on please? its getting ridiculous

Eddie: Engaging is only going to make it more ridiculous, Rich. Just ignore him.

Richie: but he can't comment stuff like that on your posts!!

Eddie: Why do you think I deleted his comment?

Richie: idk it just makes me uncomfortable

Eddie: Wanna know what makes me uncomfortable? The fact that you're texting me about Parker when we're supposed to be having fun with Georgie. He's trying to talk to me about Star Wars and it looks like I'm not paying attention.

Richie: whatever. i still want to talk about this more later.

Eddie: After we put him to bed, okay? I'm all yours.

Richie: ooh, sounds interesting

Eddie: Don't be an ass. We're talking. I only agreed to sleep in your bed tonight because if I didn't then I'd have to,sleep on the couch again and it's really dark down here at night. Too dark.

Richie: fine fine. promise we can talk about it?

Eddie: I promise. Now lemme talk to my real hubby smh

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