A Few Months

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"'Chee, it's been a few months, hasn't it?" Eddie yawned, snuggling up as close as he could get to his boyfriend. Richie grunted, pulling the brunette closer and burying his face into his hair.

"I s'pose. Why?" He mumbled, pulling away to kiss the tip of Eddie's nose. Eddie sighed, lifting his chin and chasing after Richie's lips. He caught them in a sweet kiss. It was lengthy, but lazy.

"Because... My mom is gonna find out eventually. We can't stay at your house forever. She's starting to get nosy about where I'm going, and what I'm doing on my phone all the time. If she gets ahold of it she'll find out, and I'd rather tell her than let her think I've been hiding it from her." Eddie pretended to sigh sleepily, as if he wasn't too worried, but it was truly troubling him. Richie tightened his hold around his waist, pressing another lazy kiss against his lips.

"Stop thinking so loud, Baby. I can hear the gears turning in your head. You can tell you whenever you want, you know I'll be there for you to run to when she kicks you out." Eddie wanted to laugh, but the truth behind Richie's words still hurt. So instead he just hid his face, remaining silent.

"Hey." Richie lifted his chin, and Eddie saw that his eyes were opened now. Warmth still radiated off of his boyfriend's body, just like always. He melted against him, wishing he could just forget about his mom and enjoy the moment.

"I know you'll be there. I just don't want to get kicked out at all." He frowned, tucking his head underneath Richie's chin. It had been quite the hassle, keeping all the hickeys and the dates a secret. He wanted to get it off his chest, but if he did that could mean the end of it all, and he couldn't let Richie support him like that when he could barely support himself and his mother at the same time.

"So," Richie drawled, running his fingers gently through Eddie's hair, "I'll get a job. Then, you'll get a job. We'll both have jobs. Then we can split groceries both ways. I hate to break it to you, Eds, but I don't think you're going to grow any more, so unless you were planning on changing your wardrobe then we aren't gonna need to go clothes shopping for a while." Eddie smiled, a soft giggle muffled only by Richie's chest escaping him. "Then when we graduate we can get married. I'll become a famous actor, and like I said before, if you still don't know what you want to be, you can just be my personal stripper and I'll let you live with me free of rent." Eddie blushed, hiding his face deep in Richie's chest.

"Shut up. I couldn't be a stripper even if I tried." There was a deep chuckle that he could feel vibrating against his cheek from Richie's chest.

"God, would I love to prove you wrong on that one." Richie sighed contentedly, keeping his fingers moving at a steady pace through Eddie's hair. The brunette hugged him tightly.

"I'll apply for a job at that Dunkins down the street from the school. All the adults who work early mornings go there so business will be good. Then you can go on and worry about college and a real career so I can leech off of your success." Eddie snickered, lifting his chin to make a face at Richie. "Or I'll be a model, because I'm so sexy."

"Damn right you are. Then we'd be in the same type of industry, too. You should go for it, Eds. I think people would love you." Eddie blushed at his comment, looking away. He had been joking. Perhaps he would look into it. He always had liked going shopping with his mother, but he supposed it was mostly because he hadn't ever really known that there was much else to do.

"Then we'll be famous together. Let's wait to get married until we're really popular so that we can invite Ralph Macchio and Jensen Ackles and all the other hot famous guys." Eddie grinned smugly at the look of horror on Richie's face, laughing a little as he shook his head.

"No way! You will not be looking at other men on our wedding day. Maybe Ralph Macchio, but only because he's, like, sixty, and it would be fucking amazing to actually meet him in person." Eddie cheered quietly, rewarding Richie's compromise with a deep kiss. His arms tightened around Richie and he smiled into the kiss, sighing softly.

"I'm glad we could come to an agreement," he murmured with a playful smile. Richie was grinning, as well.

"Yeah. Me too."

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