are you high?

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eds.the.spagheds: heey chee remember the time . when yuo wre reading an i too, a picture?? we should do it again. I miss you. I miss when you held my hand cause I was scared, or cold. I miss when you would ruffle my hair and call me nicknames like Eds and Spaghetti Head. I told you I hated it but I really loved it. I miss when you would kiss the tip of my nose like youve done ever since we were little kids. I miss when Id see you and get to just run up and hug you as tightly as possible and then youd say something dumb but adorable that would make me laugh. I miss when I could feel how unbelievably warm you always were, because honestly, Rich, you were so goddamn warm. I miss being able to ask something personal or ask something deep just because I knew you would say something really meaningful back. Its selfish, but I miss hearing you tell me how much I meant to you, because even though I never said anything like that back, it still meant the world to me. But youre gone, and I cant tell yo


back.t.up: are you high? Yeah, Eddie, are you okay?

eds.the.spagheds: Ill PM you. @back.t.up Who is this? I dont recognize your username. Also, its kinda none of your business.

beverly_hills: aw, eddie, baby, don't hurt yourself. it's gonna be alright. we'll find georgie and richie, i promise Please do @eds.the.spagheds


Stan: What the hell is going on, Eddie? What are you doing in Richie's room and why were you typing like that?

Eddie: Im fine, Stan. I was just hanging out there, I guess. Mrs. Tozier is too drunk and depressed to notice or care, and Mr. Tozier is always working or on a business trip. I was just hanging out.

Stan: Hanging out in your missing best friend's room? Typing like that? You can't blame it on exhaustion because we all know you haven't left your room since he went missing. Until now, apparently.

Eddie: Its not your business, Stanley.

Stan: Of course it's my fucking business, Eddie. We're all worried sick! You stopped answering messages for hours after your last post. Will you just answer my god damn question? Were you high or not?

Eddie: So what if I was?

Stan: So what? Are you for real? SO, you can't just go and get high just because Richie isn't here. If he was here, you never would have done that!

Eddie: Well Richie ISNT here, alright? Hes not here and its my fault. I dont care what you said to him before he left, its my fault for dragging him to that house and for losing my fucking backpack. I should have known he would go and do something stupid like that. I knew he would do anything for me, Stan, I KNEW it. He does everything I ask.

Stan: That doesn't mean anything. It's obvious he cared about you, but it's still his fault for choosing to do something stupid and get himself kidnapped, or lost, or whatever else could have happened.

Eddie: I cant believe you would actually say that.

Stan: Eddie, we have to face the facts. There is a VERY big chance that Richie is dead. You have to learn to live without him eventually.

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