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Hey y'all! I'm going to updating this as more questions are asked, so they're may be more if you check again in a few days! Also, I added my username to the last chapter so y'all could ask me questions if you want to, but you don't gotta, haha. Anyway, enjoy!


If you had to pick a favorite Loser who isn't Richie, who would it be?
Honestly? Probably Georgie. He may be younger than me, but we confide in each other. He's always fun to be around.

I love you and I want you to stay protected forever.
Thank you! I hope you stay safe forever, too!


Who is your favorite Loser who isn't Eddie?
Easy. Stan The Man. He's my hubby when Eddie's not around. Gotta love him, you get me?

Where can I find a guy like you?
Well you shouldn't come to Derry, that's for fuckin' sure. You don't need a guy like me. You need a guy who's right for you. Everyone's got a someone.

I'm telling Eddie you said that. He thinks he's the one who protects me. Now I can prove to him that I'm not the one who needs protection.. Although, I am admittedly the one who threw myself into a dangerous position and got kidnapped, but hey, how was I supposed to know that going to a scary abandoned house in the middle of the night in a town like Derry was going to be dangerous?


When did you and Bella start dating?
Haha, that's a funny story, actually. She was supposed to be the one who was going to 'make my life a living hell'. Obviously it didn't work out that way, because we got together a few days after her brother told her to give me hell. I think it was out of spite at first, but I'm happy to say that it's really turning into something special.


Can you just die?
I'd rather not, but thanks for asking first.

Did you choose Eddie to lust after for other reasons?
I chose Eddie because he caught my interest more than anyone else I'd seen in this shitty town. He was smart, he was cute, and I could get a lot of leverage over him by using his friends if I had to.


Not a question, but your stutter is cute.
U-U-Uh, th-thanks! Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nobody has ever s-said that before.


I am offended.


You're beautiful 😍
Thank you, so much! You're gorgeous as well ☺️




You're so sweet— Has Parker ever, like, scared you?
Awh, thank you! That's so nice!
Actually, Parker used to be a really great older brother. He would play Wii with me, and share the chips, and we'd have movie nights when Mom and Dad weren't home. He's never really scared me on purpose, but he's tried to get me to be mean to people before, and I don't really like that very much. The most scared I've ever been was when he was trying to get Eddie out of the bathroom, pounding on the door and shouting. I'm just glad I was able to get Richie into the house in time.

The Author (Me!!)

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